CFZ Juanyeh Thomas Might Eventually Take a Suprise Roster Spot, IMO


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This is my opinion, which odds are, is probably wrong. So you shouldn't listen anyway.

Hear me out, though. Many Cowboy fans had all but forgotten that name. Juanyeh Thomas.

On the same token, many will remember the exact player we're talking about here.

Firstly, we have the Zack Martin situation. It has been proposed that the best way to handle that situation is to meet him somewhere in the middle. Still. We also know the guy is under contract. If he were really smart here, he would be working his endorsements and utilize his status as an all-pro Dallas Cowboy to make bank in marketing endeavors. Given that he's under an agreed upon contract, that whole landscape is changing the way not only the game is played, for example, we see running backs devalued when it wasn't long ago when running backs were the key to winning in the league.

As far as the media, it's really nothing like it once was, to be honest. Advertisers wised up to the fact that it's not so much about fame, and name. It's more about making content people want to engage with. You can get Joe Nobody, and if he's doing something people want to interact with, he's going to dazzle your, or his, bottom line.

ESPN, Disney, et al. have all been put on watch — for two big reasons: trust, and capability. There are many more, but I won't talk about that, because this thread is about Juanyeh Thomas, the journey man who really only started jumping off the screen towards the end of the preseason.

And that brings me to Kelvin Joseph.

Ponder this scenario. Kelvin Joseph gets cut. He easily gets picked up by another team, given we actually have one of the best secondaries in the league, which is why people here have become spoiled and believe Joseph sucks because of how impatient we can actually afford to be as a team.

I understand it though. I want good players whoever it is. And I'm not there, so if there are players who can do what Joseph can do, then I'm all for it. I just want players who can get it done.Thus far, I've believed in Joseph on special teams. He responded.

Any-hoo. So you cut Joseph, which helps make up for the difference to cover Martin. And you go into the season pretending Zack Martin is still the best guard in the league.

Juanyeh Thomas, the journeyman, fills his role as a special teams ace and secondary player.

Fans praise Jerry.

Joseph goes to LA or Baltimore and makes a Pro Bowl.

Just kidding, but it could happen. Joseph was always going to be a late bloomer for the NFL. If he were the type to study tape and go the extra mile 24/7 he could make it. I just haven't seen him develop that desire, and I fear by the time he does, he'll be with another team. Say what you want, I see why they drafted him. He actually has a pretty low floor to where you could maybe get by with him somewhere even if starting will never be his role.

Cry me a river; happens. Everywhere.

I'm behind my computer, though. No matter how much I follow the Cowboys, there's no telling what they'll actually do. That's what makes the season so fun, following it day-by-day with you Knuckleheads and Mrs. Knuckleheads.

I think a more likely scenario is injury somewhere springs him into a role, since he's so far down the depth chart. But he was there all year and I believe another team invited him to go elsewhere and he stayed in Dallas, which shows he's wise to stick with DQ. Will be interesting to see how it plays out. Definitely don't quote me on that. I could be wrong. Just a fuzzy samskara on that topic.

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Glad I wasnt the only one that missed the point.
The overall point is, I think, cutting Joseph saves them money, at least in theory, I believe. I think somewhere around 3.5 million.

So, if Juanyeh Thomas can get it done in their scheme for whatever role they have . . . for compensatory reasons, and I hate to consider that, I think that might be the reason Thomas could get a spot. Sorry, I didn't take time to summarize the point, your honor.


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I think there is a decent chance that Joseph gets cut. These preseason games are going to be interesting.
Probably around 50/50.

I know you hate him. But I really like Joseph. He could be a great player, and if you can sympathize with Dez's background, which I won't say I know a lot about, but I've seen you post about it, you can sympathize that Joseph probably didn't have the best upbringing either.

I'm 110 percent NOT down with what Joseph was associated with. Never. Ever. But I would like to see him take advantage of the opportunity he has to turn his life around, because not every Kelvin Joseph in the world gets that opportunity, and he's gifted enough for the role. If only.

Personally, I want to see improvements.

But Juanyeh Thomas be lurkin'.


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I think there is a decent chance that Joseph gets cut. These preseason games are going to be interesting.
He will make it one more year. Being a 2nd round pick they will utilize the full length of his contract


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Bah, for the record, I meant to link this article also... that was part of my point which I meant to include but got sidetracked. I know some really hate the source, but this is somewhat legitimate info because he was around all year least year, so that bodes well for him to at least be PS this year. And that's what I mean by "eventually"....

Whatever the info., I take it with a grain of salt. But this is pretty fact-based.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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It sounds like Thomas could be in line for a roster spot. I do have a slight problem figuring out how to fit him. Wilson, Kearse and Hooker and I think Bell and Mukuamu have spots. That's five safeties, which is generally the max. At corner, we've got Gilmore, Diggs and Bland for sure. That's eight. Add in Thomas and that's nine total.

Likely we'll keep no more than 10, so we've got Joseph, Lewis, Wright and Goodwin to contend with Thomas for two spots. I think Lewis stays on PUP at this point, so down to three. I think it comes down to Joseph, Goodwin and Thomas. If Joseph plays poorly, it's an easy decision. If not, then it could come down to Goodwin, who they love as a special-teammer, and Thomas.

That could mean that Goodwin's special-teams run comes to an end ... or we make use of the practice squad rules to keep both around for at least the first few weeks. We've shown before that we're not afraid to cut Goodwin to keep players on the roster in order to move them to IR. We've also put him on the PS temporarily when doing that. So I could see us doing it again.


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There is almost no way this guy isn’t on the team come week 1


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There is almost no way this guy isn’t on the team come week 1

Which guy? This thread is off the tracks.

You talking Thomas or Joseph?

If you're talking Thomas, thats pretty bold talk. Thomas is this years Bell. And oh yeah, Bell is still here.


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Joseph makes under $1.4 million. He's slot/cb. Thomas is a safety, battling Bell & Mukuamu.


Well-Known Member
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Which guy? This thread is off the tracks.

You talking Thomas or Joseph?

If you're talking Thomas, thats pretty bold talk. Thomas is this years Bell. And oh yeah, Bell is still here.
Thomas. He’s running with the 1s in practice every day. He ain’t going anywhere


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It sounds like Thomas could be in line for a roster spot. I do have a slight problem figuring out how to fit him. Wilson, Kearse and Hooker and I think Bell and Mukuamu have spots. That's five safeties, which is generally the max. At corner, we've got Gilmore, Diggs and Bland for sure. That's eight. Add in Thomas and that's nine total.

Likely we'll keep no more than 10, so we've got Joseph, Lewis, Wright and Goodwin to contend with Thomas for two spots. I think Lewis stays on PUP at this point, so down to three. I think it comes down to Joseph, Goodwin and Thomas. If Joseph plays poorly, it's an easy decision. If not, then it could come down to Goodwin, who they love as a special-teammer, and Thomas.

That could mean that Goodwin's special-teams run comes to an end ... or we make use of the practice squad rules to keep both around for at least the first few weeks. We've shown before that we're not afraid to cut Goodwin to keep players on the roster in order to move them to IR. We've also put him on the PS temporarily when doing that. So I could see us doing it again.
Yes, I think the more likely scenario would be injuries or even multiple injuries, which could happen in our scheme (that's why DQ keeps a lot of them). They're lighter, more rangier, but even those guys that big take a beating in the NFL, going against TEs, RBs, big WRs, etc. So they get injured a lot. I think that could be a more likely route. Or, like I said, something to shave some money off by cutting Joseph to pay Martin, and then Thomas fills that role.

Could happen.