Juice fasting


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Has anyone tried this? I've been on a fast on and off for about a couple of weeks. I've lost 16 lbs. And I feel great. My GI dr. said my colonoscopy looked great and he didn't see any inflammation at all. I go for a follow up and and xray but it's looking pretty good in terms of the worst case scenarios being ruled out.

I'm not saying juice fasting did this at all. But I am saying that my symptoms are almost all gone and I look and feel much healthier.

Anyone have any experience with juice fasting?
No but Cushing and Bonds have done fast juicing, kinda the same, maybe?
2 days is about the longest that I have ever went without food. All I had was plain water. I was not hungry and I think I could have went a little longer without food and still not have been hungry.

I have been thinking of trying a 5 day fast some time (maybe only drinking water or maybe drinking water and juices). I might could do it If I can keep my mind from thinking about being hungry. If I did do this I would not go outside. What might be hard is the sleeping. I might would have a hard time sleeping if I am on a fast. If I can't get enough sleep I will stop the fast.
CowboyMcCoy;4081122 said:
Has anyone tried this? I've been on a fast on and off for about a couple of weeks. I've lost 16 lbs. And I feel great. My GI dr. said my colonoscopy looked great and he didn't see any inflammation at all. I go for a follow up and and xray but it's looking pretty good in terms of the worst case scenarios being ruled out.

I'm not saying juice fasting did this at all. But I am saying that my symptoms are almost all gone and I look and feel much healthier.

Anyone have any experience with juice fasting?
just when i saw it on fat sick and nearly dead
rkell87;4081198 said:
just when i saw it on fat sick and nearly dead

I watched it too. But one of my friends has been preaching this to me. But he does work at Whole Foods. In any case, it's funny because you get high off the juice, especially green vegetables and I think Mangos for some reason.

I loved that documentary though. I believe the guy literally saved that trucker's life. It was very inspiring and I probably wouldn't have done it if not for my circumstances. But I've been going to the gym, juicing and then coming on and off a fast. Which I know isn't good. But I limit my calories because food is hard to digest anyway. I'm also trying to get rid of my kidney stones, so cucumber juice is good for that.

So this is all working. And the wonders of juiced ginger for GI problems is highly under documented.

The funny thing is I find myself spending about the same amount on food this way. I think it's great for some people. I probably got better with good, old Father Time. But I think giving my system a rest from bad food was a good idea too.
I bought a juicer somewhat recently and I've been sort of messing around with it off and on for a couple of months. I'm seriously considering a juice fast myself. It just seems like it'd be something healthy that I could do for a little while that might get me started on a better diet path.

The "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" movie is the reason I did it. Thank you, Netflix. :D
I watched FS&ND, too. I'm considering it, at least for two meals per day. I'm picky as hell, though, and have a hard time with the concept of drinking juiced veggies other than cucumber, carrot, parsely, and, maybe, kale. I can do wheatgrasss, oddly enough, because that's like swallowing medicine. But a cup or two of juiced green-leafies or tomatoes yucks me out.
Yeah I did it a few times. I started doing it around 2003 and I followed something called Master Cleanse. I went 11 days with no solids the first time and the times after I just did little 4-day stints. I've noticed a few changes in my self that I can't be sure would be attributed to it, but I no longer have a hiatal hernia and I'm no longer lactose intolerant. It's been a while and I'm probably due, but I'm finding it hard to plan. I like to have a few days of nothing planned to get started, but with my job a few days off is hard to come by.
vta;4081450 said:
Yeah I did it a few times. I started doing it around 2003 and I followed something called Master Cleanse. I went 11 days with no solids the first time and the times after I just did little 4-day stints. I've noticed a few changes in my self that I can't be sure would be attributed to it, but I no longer have a hiatal hernia and I'm no longer lactose intolerant. It's been a while and I'm probably due, but I'm finding it hard to plan. I like to have a few days of nothing planned to get started, but with my job a few days off is hard to come by.
how in the world does that happen? how serious was it before?
rkell87;4081816 said:
how in the world does that happen? how serious was it before?

Well I definitely can't say it was changed due to fasting, I might have just grown out of it, much like I had grown into it and the time frame coincidental.

I never had a problem with milk or dairy products at all growing up. In my mid 20's I suddenly contracted it and couldn't even touch a glass of milk or even have it in cereal. A little cheese didn't kill me, but I avoided milk and ice cream for a good long time because of it. It almost literally 'went right through me'. A doctor recommended those Lactaid pills and eventually Lactaid Milk.

In my mid 30's it seemed to have faded and i can pretty much eat what I want to no ill effect. I drink regular milk and eat ice cream again and it doesn't even bother me.
Ozzu;4081347 said:
I bought a juicer somewhat recently and I've been sort of messing around with it off and on for a couple of months. I'm seriously considering a juice fast myself. It just seems like it'd be something healthy that I could do for a little while that might get me started on a better diet path.

The "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" movie is the reason I did it. Thank you, Netflix. :D

Yeah, I bought a juicer too. I can't do the fast VTA is talking about. I've tried that and it is just rough. Plus my stomach can't handle the spices from that.

Anyway, I was inspired by that movie too. Whatever I have it's an autoimmune disease. But really, there is no gimmick here. My skin looks good and I just look and feel a lot better. I still have some minor cramping when I eat. But I go most days drinking juice for 4 meals or so and eating just 1.

The longest I've fasted is 72 hrs. That 3rd day is rough. But I plan on doing 5 days when I get the will power and, like VTA said, I have the time to set aside.
Idgit;4081372 said:
I watched FS&ND, too. I'm considering it, at least for two meals per day. I'm picky as hell, though, and have a hard time with the concept of drinking juiced veggies other than cucumber, carrot, parsely, and, maybe, kale. I can do wheatgrasss, oddly enough, because that's like swallowing medicine. But a cup or two of juiced green-leafies or tomatoes yucks me out.

I've had good luck with Kale and Spinach. But I juice mostly cucumbers and carrots (which have a lot of sugar in them). Oh, and celery too. So My favorite is one that consists of 1 mango, 1half cantaloup, 2 cucumbers, 4 stalks of celery and ginger is optional.

You sorta want to go easy on fruits because they're high in sugar. But it makes it taste a lot better.

I'd never juice a tomato and I don't juice leaves by themselves. Try adding mango. Or cantaloupe. That sweetens it. Other people use apples, but I don't like apple juice.
Glad you're feeling better. You'll have to keep us informed of your progress.
Duane;4081938 said:
Glad you're feeling better. You'll have to keep us informed of your progress.

Thanks. And I will. I'm not claiming I'm cured. I'm not. I just feel better. I think it's just me taking it easier on myself. What Mr. GI dr. thinks now is it's either Crohn's in my small bowel, which I'm taking a simple xray this time around v. anything else, or IBS. Because that region is inflamed on the ct scan. We want to rule out Crohn's.

But if it's not that, then the dr. said it's IBS for which there are lots of meds. Although I can attest it is much worse than the acronym sounds. I've never experience such debilitating, violent and obnoxious pain in my life. I mean, SICK.

But they've ruled out everything under the sun, including Celiac disease and cancer. When I asked him about that he said, we already tested you for that weeks ago.

I thought, you didn't tell me that.


HMOs way of motivating you, I guess.
My wife and i did this a few years ago. A very positive experience.

We also used a product, forgot what it was, to clean the colon etc..

I did 38 days and lost 52 pounds. Probably too long, but once a week or two had passed my body adjusted.
rockwood2;4081968 said:
My wife and i did this a few years ago. A very positive experience.

We also used a product, forgot what it was, to clean the colon etc..

I did 38 days and lost 52 pounds. Probably too long, but once a week or two had passed my body adjusted.

What exactly did you use, vegetable juice?
Vegetables and fruit only, made up the batches every morning.

It ended up being very heavy on the fruit as most vegetables simply didn't provide enough volume.

As an edit we used a juicer and spent a lot of time running material through it. We used a little of everything.
As a matter of fact CM i'm thinking of doing it again, it really was as mentioned a very positive experience, my body felt really 'good' and it seemed, perhaps erroneously, that i had a real 'clarity of thought' through the whole event.

I really hope things work out for you.

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