Jury Duty


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I got called up last June. Sat in a big room all day with 50 other stooges but our services were not needed. The good thing is that they can't "draft" me for another few years.
my husband got called up to jury duty twice & never got picked.
kristie;3800912 said:
my husband got called up to jury duty twice & never got picked.

I've been called 3 times now, and once even got picked for a jury...

Then as soon as the jury was picked, the guy copped a plea... I tell folks he got one look at me and figured he'd be better off with the judge... :D
Im just not a serious enough person for this.

Id be looking around the room to see who I could beat up

Then during questioning when the room gets real tense and the prosecutor is about to bring his point home Id open up a bag of those loud *** Sun Chips


Im sorry, you were saying
I was pick to be there - it was a stupid car accident - the lady was riding in a car driven by a dude -she was sueing him after three years

they ask me a question and I said I have never gotten anything for free in my lifetime

the next thing I heard was the judge telling me to leave
silverbear;3800914 said:
I've been called 3 times now, and once even got picked for a jury...

Then as soon as the jury was picked, the guy copped a plea... I tell folks he got one look at me and figured he'd be better off with the judge... :D

I'm going to get in trouble one day.

I get juror notices in the mail. Then I throw them out.
I got picked once when I was working for my father, years ago. His/our company compensates employees 100% for their time on duty, all you had to to was bring in your actual jury duty check and they'd take care of it.

So let's see, field welding in the August heat or jury duty...Oh man, that's a tough one. Sweating quarts or air conditioning.

Jury duty it was. I actually enjoyed the experience. I will say this, there are some IDIOTS that get picked for jury duty. There were two of us that were college students.

The lady had signed a confession that she stole the money, they caught her on video tape taking the money, they had the balance on the drawer that showed her taking the exact amount you could see her taking, and they had enough prior suspicion to install a video camera system over her position in the store whereas there were none elsewhere in the building.

The store prosecuted only after she sued for wrongful termination. We got to convict her ***.

Best part of it? Being paid to listen to testimony in air conditioning in August for three days.

Teren_Kanan;3801002 said:
I'm going to get in trouble one day.

I get juror notices in the mail. Then I throw them out.

Somebody can probably elaborate on this, but IIRC, that constitutes failure to appear. That'll get you some cold stainless steel bench jail time when you get pulled over by the DPS.
This past summer I got the Jury Duty notice. Oddly enough for years I had wanted to be on jury duty and get picked for a trial. Just for the exp of it and hoping I would get an interesting case.

The two cases I was called in for were both pretty big meth stings.

However by the time that rolled around I really wanted out of it due to my house being worked on and me wanting to be there for a few things.

I did not feel I should lie about somethings to get out of it.

I also did not want to say I did not want to serve just because my house was being worked on...as some other potential jury members served up some excuses that judge was not happy about at all even though he did let them off.

So after the judge went through his routine of reading the charges and asking all of his questions, he let the lawyers for the state and the defense attorney for the clients ask a few questions.

Although I did not have to answer questions that were solely for me, every time one of the lawyers would happen to look at me I would give him a serious mean mug look. It was kind of funny and I had to fight not cracking up as they had some funny reactions when they saw it. I made sure they saw me with a calm normal face and then bang...Mean mug. Almost like crazy eyes move like a character in the New guy movie for those that have seen it.

Did it two both lawyers of both cases being brought up.

Needless to say I was not picked and I was on my way.

So if someone wants to get out of it...might be something that could work for you as well.
Been called four times, served once. The time I did serve was such a horrible experience (over something very stupid) I'll do or say whatever I can to get out of jury duty for the rest of my life.
Teren_Kanan;3801002 said:
I'm going to get in trouble one day.

I get juror notices in the mail. Then I throw them out.

Be sure and call us and let us know when you are getting out...Judges love contempt of court--they can fine you and throw you in jail for (i think) it is up to 60 days..Then they can bring you back see if you have changed your ways or throw you back in jail.No trial ,no nothing..And you may even have the warrant out for you now and you not know it....Have fun with Bubba:D
BrAinPaiNt;3801082 said:
This past summer I got the Jury Duty notice. Oddly enough for years I had wanted to be on jury duty and get picked for a trial. Just for the exp of it and hoping I would get an interesting case.

The two cases I was called in for were both pretty big meth stings.

However by the time that rolled around I really wanted out of it due to my house being worked on and me wanting to be there for a few things.

I did not feel I should lie about somethings to get out of it.

I also did not want to say I did not want to serve just because my house was being worked on...as some other potential jury members served up some excuses that judge was not happy about at all even though he did let them off.

So after the judge went through his routine of reading the charges and asking all of his questions, he let the lawyers for the state and the defense attorney for the clients ask a few questions.

Although I did not have to answer questions that were solely for me, every time one of the lawyers would happen to look at me I would give him a serious mean mug look. It was kind of funny and I had to fight not cracking up as they had some funny reactions when they saw it. I made sure they saw me with a calm normal face and then bang...Mean mug. Almost like crazy eyes move like a character in the New guy movie for those that have seen it.

Did it two both lawyers of both cases being brought up.

Needless to say I was not picked and I was on my way.

So if someone wants to get out of it...might be something that could work for you as well.

They probably thought you would be the defendant in the next bust and wouldn't be available during the trial. :laugh2:

When I got called for jury duty the defense attorney ask me if some information came out that declared the defendant guilty, but the judge said that it had to be stricken from the record could I do that. I replied. "If the man is guilty, then the man is guilty." Dismissed. :D
I have been called to Jury Duty 13 times I have served on a Jury 12 times.
Doomsday101;3801170 said:
I have been called to Jury Duty 13 times I have served on a Jury 12 times.

Did all twelve fry for their crimes? :laugh2:
I would not make a good juror only because I would probably want to talk down to at least a quarter of not more of stupid ignorant jurors for believing manipulated statistics and faulty logic. So basically be an elitist. Having taken a Psych and Law class, I pretty much know a lot of the cockamamie b.s. both the defense and prosecutor pull to discredit the other and influence perception and thought in the jury. I could fake it to be both a desirable and undesirable pick for the jury.

I've never been given a notice though.
VietCowboy;3801181 said:
I would not make a good juror only because I would probably want to talk down to at least a quarter of not more of stupid ignorant jurors for believing manipulated statistics and faulty logic. So basically be an elitist. Having taken a Psych and Law class, I pretty much know a lot of the cockamamie b.s. both the defense and prosecutor pull to discredit the other and influence perception and thought in the jury. I could fake it to be both a desirable and undesirable pick for the jury.

I've never been given a notice though.

You must not vote then. Though I think in some states renewing your drivers license now sets you up to be called for jury duty.
nyc;3801247 said:
You must not vote then. Though I think in some states renewing your drivers license now sets you up to be called for jury duty.

I don't know. I have been registered to vote since I was 18 and I am 40 now and this past year was the first time I was sent a notice for jury duty. So it is possible.
I seriously doubt I will ever get chosen even though I would gladly serve.
nyc;3801247 said:
You must not vote then. Though I think in some states renewing your drivers license now sets you up to be called for jury duty.

Nope, I've voted since 2004 when I was 18, and every election, midterm and special election since. And I just renewed my license last April.

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