Jury Duty

Rynie;3802077 said:
I'm a total misanthrope.

Oh, okay. :rolleyes: If your house catches on fire, why should the fire department come to your aid?
Received mine today for the 21st. Last time I was passed over for someone not as biased looking.
Got picked once and the dude pled out.
Rynie;3801984 said:
I never go. I just throw away the summons. I'm not waisting my time. Besides, they can't PROVE I ever got the summons for jury duty in the first place. Technically, they can follow up and enforce my absence, but they NEVER do.

In Ca they'll send you another summons and if you ignore the second one they'll send you a notice to appear in court to see a judge.

If you ignore that they'll issue a warrant for your arrest. You are then a "wanted" man.

I know how they operate here because a friend of mine ignored 2 summons notices and the next thing he received was a noticed to appear in court.

He was stupid enough to ignore that and a warrant for his arrest was issued. His wife had to talk him into turning himself in.

He ended up getting fined and was immediately put on jury duty. LOL They don't mess around in Ca they need jurors so best to just get it over with.
Hostile;3801268 said:
I seriously doubt I will ever get chosen even though I would gladly serve.

They don't seem to want me either Hos----maybe my occupation
I served on two juries, one criminal and one civil in Dallas when I was young

I used to get called to Jury duty 2-3 times year but I live on a ranch that straddles parts of two counties and it was always the off-county that was summoning me so I didn't have to serve because I lived in the other county and after a while they just took my name off the list.

but now that I am over 70, I am exempt from jury duty in Texas.

You do what you have to do and I have served but I'm glad I don't have to anymore.
MarionBarberThe4th;3802066 said:
Im 22 but I look like Im 15.

But in a mans body :cool:


One day, you might have a surgery, and you can be the real you then.
SaltwaterServr;3802652 said:

One day, you might have a surgery, and you can be the real you then.

Better be careful. One day you might be looking up at him with him saying...It puts the lotion on it's skin. :laugh1:
I have jury duty on the 27th of this month. Been called several times over the years and served once.
bbgun;3801429 said:

How is that possible? Don't they have to wait several years before they can call you again? That's how it is in my county.
I guess it depends on the county, but I was called to jury duty twice in a matter of 6 months in my county. In my county, they don't take you off the list unless you actually serve on a jury. If you get summonsed but do not get picked, they throw you back in the rotation. And yeah, they keep you off for a year or two.

CanadianCowboysFan;3801619 said:
As a lawyer, I am exempt from jury duty so I never have the burden of serving.

If you want out just say you cannot be fair and have heard about the case and already have decided how you will vote.

You guys have more juries down there than we do.

Hell I don't even run trials before juries as you cannot have a jury in a divorce case.
I wish I were exempt from jury duty. I'm not. But most lawyers do not want lawyers on their jury. They want to be able to easily influence people.

The two voir dire panels I sat on though were criminal cases. I do a little bit of criminal defense work, but not a whole lot. So obviously the defense doesn't mind if I'm on the jury. The prosecutors though cut me pretty quickly. I just have to sit through all the questions, and it ends up being a huge waste of time.

BTW, down in Texas you can have a jury trial in a divorce case for certain issues (i.e. custody of children, classification of property), but you cannot have a jury actually divide the property. Is a jury in a divorce not an option at all in Canada no matter the issue?
bbgun;3802088 said:
Oh, okay. :rolleyes: If your house catches on fire, why should the fire department come to your aid?

Calm down BB, you're taking this a little too serious. :lmao:
Not sure about rest of Canada although I believe it is the same rules, no jury for any family law matter.

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