Jury orders NFL to pay nearly $4.8 billion in 'Sunday Ticket' case for violating antitrust laws

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A jury in U.S. District Court ordered the NFL to pay nearly $4.8 billion in damages Thursday after ruling that the league violated antitrust laws in distributing out-of-market Sunday afternoon games on a premium subscription service.

The jury awarded $4.7 billion in damages to the residential class and $96 million in damages to the commercial class.

The lawsuit covered 2.4 million residential subscribers and 48,000 businesses who paid for the package of out-of-market games from the 2011 through 2022 seasons on DirecTV. The lawsuit claimed the league broke antitrust laws by selling its package of Sunday games at an inflated price. The subscribers also say the league restricted competition by offering “Sunday Ticket” only on a satellite provider.

So what does this mean they're going to raise their prices to compensate their losses
I don't know what they did wrong here, or why they are required to market their package on multiple distributors. How is what the NFL is doing illegal, but pay per view events totally legal? I guess we'll have to wait for the appeals.
LOS ANGELES (AP) — A jury in U.S. District Court ordered the NFL to pay nearly $4.8 billion in damages Thursday after ruling that the league violated antitrust laws in distributing out-of-market Sunday afternoon games on a premium subscription service.

The jury awarded $4.7 billion in damages to the residential class and $96 million in damages to the commercial class.

The lawsuit covered 2.4 million residential subscribers and 48,000 businesses who paid for the package of out-of-market games from the 2011 through 2022 seasons on DirecTV. The lawsuit claimed the league broke antitrust laws by selling its package of Sunday games at an inflated price. The subscribers also say the league restricted competition by offering “Sunday Ticket” only on a satellite provider.

Lemme guess corporations are ppl too…
They provide many jobs and pump money into our economy, but that wasn't my point. My point was simply was no one forced anyone to buy it....I bet many people enjoyed it....that's why they bought it. If they broke the law, they need to pay. I never disputed that.
Does this mean the NFL is going to have to start offering Sunday ticket on multiple streaming services?

Or was it only due to the reason that Direct TV required a dish?
They provide many jobs and pump money into our economy, but that wasn't my point. My point was simply was no one forced anyone to buy it....I bet many people enjoyed it....that's why they bought it. If they broke the law, they need to pay. I never disputed that.
I agree completely. I paid for it back then as well and thought it was over-priced too, but I chose to do it.

The only legal issue I see is that they limited it to one provider which forced subscribers to pay for additional services and equipment, which also included yearly and multi-year contracts back then.

That likely was a violation of the anti-trust laws given the NFL's special protection in that area.

If the NFL had just streamed it themselves back then or offered it through local cable companies it would have been less of a burden on many people beyond the NST cost itself.
You’re probably right about the payoff but the real question is how will the Sunday Ticket change.
That is a good question. What we do know is that it will not change until the appeal process is complete. Who knows how long that will take?
Lemme see.. I paid an average $300 a year for Sunday Ticket from 2011 to 2019. So that's $2700. When can I expect my $2700 refund?
You’ll get a check in the mail for about $4.50.

Those class action lawsuits are a joke.

I was a subscriber since the NFL ticket was available. I’m not planning a trip to Bora Bora from any proceeds that may come my way.
LOS ANGELES (AP) — A jury in U.S. District Court ordered the NFL to pay nearly $4.8 billion in damages Thursday after ruling that the league violated antitrust laws in distributing out-of-market Sunday afternoon games on a premium subscription service.

The jury awarded $4.7 billion in damages to the residential class and $96 million in damages to the commercial class.

The lawsuit covered 2.4 million residential subscribers and 48,000 businesses who paid for the package of out-of-market games from the 2011 through 2022 seasons on DirecTV. The lawsuit claimed the league broke antitrust laws by selling its package of Sunday games at an inflated price. The subscribers also say the league restricted competition by offering “Sunday Ticket” only on a satellite provider.

There's an entire army of people that spends every waking hour trying to milk and dilute the NFL to find new revenue streams so this was bound to happen. They're walking a fine line but the good news, for them, is that even when they screw up the consequences are manageable. $4.8 billion? They'll shrug it off.

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