Just a Notion ...

gbrittain;1117883 said:
No, I think you are reaching a bit here. Not every bad thing that happens on this team is TOs fault. Drew is to blame for Drew's short comings so far this year IMO.

I'm not "reaching" for anything here. I am simply looking at a remote possiblitiy that may or may not be a factor in Bledsoe's untimely stepping down in his performance. He may be in a rut? No reach, just conjecture.

Simply saying ..."Drew is to blame for Drew's short comings so far this year IMO" isn't sufficient for anyone's interpretation. What the heck does that mean? ...or, Drew is just being Drew...:confused:
Cbz40;1117879 said:
Probably......but I would think in this case...it would be better if Romo got TO's attention. There comes a time when all QB's need to let everyone know just how the Cow eats the cabbage. :D

Noooo....! Peas! Not cabbage, please!

Billy Bullocks;1117888 said:
I heard ESPN is hiring...this type of **** is exacty what they are looking for. Just come up with **** out of thin air. At least you are SPECULATING.


Billy Bullocks;1117888 said:
I heard ESPN is hiring...this type of **** is exacty what they are looking for. Just come up with **** out of thin air. At least you are SPECULATING.

I'm Not trying to be disrespectful. I'm giving you the benefit of an opponent fan's perspective. Of course you aren't going to come up with this type of conjecture. But you Know some type of dynamic is happening ..if Not what I'm saying, then something else.
5Stars;1117911 said:
Noooo....! Peas! Not cabbage, please!


That stuff can cause havoc can't it......Hey!!!! that could be used as a blitz repellant.:D

I better shutup.....Hos will get me....:D
I don't think so but then again I am not behind closed doors.

I think it comes down to Bledsoe with the mistakes and he henders the offense on what they are capable of doing. We have the weapons in place but what good are they if some have to stay back to help block during passing plays.

I am not saying Romo is the answer, but what I saw when he entered the game was alot of diffrent formations we wern't capable of doing with Bledsoe. And as far as T.O. goes, if he wants the ball then he needs to start catching them. Clutch receivers don't drop wide open 4th and 2 passes.
Phoenix-Talon;1117885 said:
Maybe, but it seems that Bledsoe would prefer to throw the ball to Glenn just to prove that he is not intimidated or annoyed by T.O.'s demanding ways.

It also crossed my mind.

I know we have a lot of "experts" around here, but I honestly don't know why. The simple stuff that I see is that Drew has been extra bad this season. He looks at the rush too much, doesn't see open receivers, and misses too many times when he does see the open man. Maybe it's the line? Maybe it's TO? Maybe it's the hits? Maybe it's age? Maybe it's an injury? No matter what it was though, I think it was time to make the move to Romo...
Phoenix-Talon;1117885 said:
Maybe, but it seems that Bledsoe would prefer to throw the ball to Glenn just to prove that he is not intimidated or annoyed by T.O.'s demanding ways.

Um they are not throwing to Gleen enough if you ask me.
Am I seeing things???????????:shootme: Are there guys here on this forum listening to, an conversing with an Iggle fan, on his take of The Boys QB situation???

No!!!!No!!!! It can't be true:bang2:
Phoenix-Talon;1117880 said:
I think it does also. But I also believe that T.O. may have played Romo against Bledsoe ...knowing that Bledsoe is More Inclined to spread the ball around, and even could favor throwing the ball to Glenn more than T.O. On the other hand, Romo seems to favor T.O. and even Looks for him more than other receivers.

Sorry bud, but this is where your theory goes to the pisser. Bledsoe is not more inclined to spread the ball around (part of the reason he was benched, too much impovising). Romo actually is because he can make his reads quicker and has a quicker release, and I believe a better pocket pressence. Now I'm not saying Romo is the end-all be-all, but for my money it was time for Bledsoe to ride the pine, and that had zero to do w/Terrell Owens. Regardless of what he did to your team last year.
sandtrapp;1117989 said:
Am I seeing things???????????:shootme: Are there guys here on this forum listening to, an conversing with an Iggle fan, on his take of The Boys QB situation???

No!!!!No!!!! It can't be true:bang2:

Don't worry about it, sandtrapp...it was a veiled post to begin with, as usual.

It's like a sick lover that lost his girl to one of his friends, then calls said friend everyday or so telling him how bad his lost lover is....hoping all the while that his friend will get shafted also, like he did...

It's quite amusing...!

sandtrapp;1117989 said:
Am I seeing things???????????:shootme: Are there guys here on this forum listening to, an conversing with an Iggle fan, on his take of The Boys QB situation???

No!!!!No!!!! It can't be true:bang2:

He's actually a "Closet Cowboy". I feel really sorry for him. Come on out man we'll support you. Even get you in the Cowboy protection program
Phoenix-Talon;1117862 said:
Alright ...do you think that Bledsoe is "annoyed" by T.O., to the point of it effectiNg his game?

Bledsoe does not have any game.
Phoenix-Talon;1117880 said:
I think it does also. But I also believe that T.O. may have played Romo against Bledsoe ...knowing that Bledsoe is More Inclined to spread the ball around, and even could favor throwing the ball to Glenn more than T.O. On the other hand, Romo seems to favor T.O. and even Looks for him more than other receivers.
That's quite a final analysis on a man who has played one half and one drive of professional football.
sandtrapp;1117989 said:
Am I seeing things??????????? Are there guys here on this forum listening to, an conversing with an Iggle fan, on his take of The Boys QB situation??? No!!!!No!!!! It can't be true

I was just curious to see what exhilarating, challenging threads you have contributed to the Zone lately ...

When I inquired, this is what I found ..."Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms." Hmmm!
Phoenix-Talon;1117847 said:
Could Bledsoe be intimidated by T.O.? Afterall, T.O. has a hostory of having high demands ...he seems to eat quarterbacks alive! Both Jeff Garcia and Donovan Mcnabb were intimidated by T.O. demanding to get more touches, complaining about balls not being thrown to him while he is "supposedly" wide open (whether he catches the balls or not is another question).

That's a lot of stress that Bledsoe may be trying to avoid. So much so that his avoidance of conflict with T.O. (which is actually unavoidable) may affect his ordinarily solid game.

As an Eagles fan, I'd like to forget abOut the 2005 season. But just looking back for a short Minut, I can't recall Bledsoe Being this off of his game. Something is Bothering him, and I can't believe it is the quarterback controvery that seems to have taken life.

If Bledsoe (a veteran) is intimidated by T.O. ...is the even Less experienced Romo intimidated also?

Just a notion.
Not a bad question, but the answer is no.

Bledsoe hasn't played particularly well since the beginning of last season. Bledsoe's performance this season hasn't been much different from his performance during the last 1/3 or so of last season.

If Bledsoe is being extra bothered by something this season, I gotta believe that Romo's footsteps have far more to do with that than anything Owens related.
Phoenix-Talon;1117847 said:
Could Bledsoe be intimidated by T.O.? Afterall, T.O. has a hostory of having high demands ...he seems to eat quarterbacks alive! Both Jeff Garcia and Donovan Mcnabb were intimidated by T.O. demanding to get more touches, complaining about balls not being thrown to him while he is "supposedly" wide open (whether he catches the balls or not is another question).

That's a lot of stress that Bledsoe may be trying to avoid. So much so that his avoidance of conflict with T.O. (which is actually unavoidable) may affect his ordinarily solid game.

As an Eagles fan, I'd like to forget abOut the 2005 season. But just looking back for a short Minut, I can't recall Bledsoe Being this off of his game. Something is Bothering him, and I can't believe it is the quarterback controvery that seems to have taken life.

If Bledsoe (a veteran) is intimidated by T.O. ...is the even Less experienced Romo intimidated also?

Just a notion.

Quite Frankly.... if Drew pulled a McNabb then I am glad he is gone. I dont think thats the case though.

What I do know is that Romo WILL throw to TO. When Romo scored that TD on the sneak.... TO was the first guy there to literally pick Romo up off the ground. There is gonna be some MAJOR SYNC'ING up with those two...

You are witnessing the birth of the ROMOTO offense
Aikbach;1118011 said:
That's quite a final analysis on a man who has played one half and one drive of professional football.

Yeah... you would think so... nah.... he is just a pot stirrer... nothing more... and most times the pot is actually empty
go away phoenix talon. do you think McNabb prefers gatorade before he leaves it all over the turf... or after?

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