Just a Notion ...

Phoenix-Talon;1117910 said:
I'm not "reaching" for anything here. I am simply looking at a remote possiblitiy that may or may not be a factor in Bledsoe's untimely stepping down in his performance. He may be in a rut? No reach, just conjecture.

Simply saying ..."Drew is to blame for Drew's short comings so far this year IMO" isn't sufficient for anyone's interpretation. What the heck does that mean? ...or, Drew is just being Drew...:confused:

Dude this is a catch and release area go fishing somewhere else. We complain about our team but we are still cowboy fans......so get over your TO changes everything uproach. It was time for Romo and the coach who has coached Romo for almost 4 years and Bledsoe for like 5 years made the decision.

The man who knows the both QBs most made a decision for the team based on what he sees and what he knows he has.

You, an outsider, would not know how to judge the situation based on clips from ESPN. BP knows the whole situation and us fans have to live with it. And has for you, Romo has a gift to deliver you come X-mas( a Texas A** whopping)
Phoenix-Talon;1117910 said:
I'm not "reaching" for anything here. I am simply looking at a remote possiblitiy that may or may not be a factor in Bledsoe's untimely stepping down in his performance. He may be in a rut? No reach, just conjecture.

Simply saying ..."Drew is to blame for Drew's short comings so far this year IMO" isn't sufficient for anyone's interpretation. What the heck does that mean? ...or, Drew is just being Drew...:confused:

Obviously you do not see it as reaching. I do. Difference of opinions we are all entitled to them.

Drew can blame his own shortcomings for his poor play. Why? I do not know, but I just do not see any relation to TO and Drew playing poorly.

Remote possibility as you say. Sure, I suppose. Or maybe he sucking because he marital problems. Maybe there are health problems in his family. Maybe he realizes this is his last year and wants to make the best of it and is pushing to hard instead of relaxing.

My point is there is no evidence that TO is the cause of Drew's problems and that is why I say reaching, not trying to offend, just no evidence to back it up at this point.
braw;1118095 said:
Dude this is a catch and release area go fishing somewhere else. We complain about our team but we are still cowboy fans......so get over your TO changes everything uproach. It was time for Romo and the coach who has coached Romo for almost 4 years and Bledsoe for like 5 years made the decision.

The man who knows the both QBs most made a decision for the team based on what he sees and what he knows he has.

You, an outsider, would not know how to judge the situation based on clips from ESPN. BP knows the whole situation and us fans have to live with it. And has for you, Romo has a gift to deliver you come X-mas( a Texas A** whopping)

Yea,!!!! What He Said :tongue:
I believe you could be on to something but Bledsoe's main problem was mobility....he has the leadership, arm strength, experience, height etc to suceed...just cannot move a little bit
That's ridiculous. I know you try to qualify all your posts with a statement like, "I'm not trolling, but...."

Well, yes you are. You're trying to rankle our feathers...that much is obvious.

But I'll play.

Bledsoe has been in the NFL for 13 seasons. He's not intimidated by Owens. Bledsoe hasn't been the same since the middle of last season. That's when teams started sending the house after him.

He looked decent for his first two preseason games.....Durn near perfect with his passes....but two things happened.

One: He wasn't facing any blitzes.
Two: He took a hard shot to the head in our last preseason game. After that hit, he really played terribly.

There wasn't one game this year where he looked good. It wouldn't surprise me if he was still suffering concussion effects.
[B said:
That's quite a final analysis on a man who has played one half and one drive of professional football.

YoMick;1118060 said:
Yeah... you would think so... nah.... he is just a pot stirrer... nothing more... and most times the pot is actually empty

Sounds more like the case of the "kettle" calling the pot empty :rolleyes:
braw;1118095 said:
Dude this is a catch and release area go fishing somewhere else. We complain about our team but we are still cowboy fans......so get over your TO changes everything uproach. You, an outsider, would not know how to judge the situation based on clips from ESPN. BP knows the whole situation and us fans have to live with it.

Short comment --I'll be brief ...

My "uproach" is obviously different from yours and many Cowboy fans ...that's the whole point!

But I'm no outsider! I do listen to ESPN, but I've also been right here at the Zone for almost 3 years now, listening to Cowboy fans and reading their posts ...no, I'm no oustsider and I'd probably alarm you with how much I know about the Commanders, Giants and the Cowboys. I don't think the term "outsider" is exclusively a fandom-related entity.
Phoenix-Talon;1117847 said:
Could Bledsoe be intimidated by T.O.? Afterall, T.O. has a hostory of having high demands ...he seems to eat quarterbacks alive! Both Jeff Garcia and Donovan Mcnabb were intimidated by T.O. demanding to get more touches, complaining about balls not being thrown to him while he is "supposedly" wide open (whether he catches the balls or not is another question).

That's a lot of stress that Bledsoe may be trying to avoid. So much so that his avoidance of conflict with T.O. (which is actually unavoidable) may affect his ordinarily solid game.

As an Eagles fan, I'd like to forget abOut the 2005 season. But just looking back for a short Minut, I can't recall Bledsoe Being this off of his game. Something is Bothering him, and I can't believe it is the quarterback controvery that seems to have taken life.

If Bledsoe (a veteran) is intimidated by T.O. ...is the even Less experienced Romo intimidated also?

Just a notion.

Don't know and don't care.

If a QB is afraid of his receivers then they should quit the game. If Bledsoe was indeed intimidated by TO then good ridance to Bledsoe.

Romo...I think he just wants to use what he has the best he can. That may be the saving grace for him. He will use TO as much as TO uses him.

Either way, I'm just glad we have turned the page. Win or lose, I'm looking more forward to watching than I did before.

I don't know how Romo will do, but watching Bledsoe, it wasn't if but when he'd blow it.

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