I'll give the old bat some credit. He is a better actor than he is an owner. At least he admits that his runts are running all of his businesses. Maybe John Hamm and Billy Bob Thornton will buy the team from him? I have to admit this made me want to order from Skip The Dishes though. If he is genuine, his goal in life is to work with his kids....working with them to condemn this franchise though
Strange timing. I just started watching this weekend, couldn’t sleep last night and finally got to that scene.
Good show, but Thornton makes the entire thing by a longshot. He has that Bad Santa attitude that I found to be entertaining.
On Jerry, I’ll take a pass on praise. It infuriated me even more than I already am.
The Dallas Cowboys are an institution, not some playground for him and his kids, and he still sits there and acts as if he has taken over the football world with his ability. Are the kids who claim to run football still actually involved in the other businesses while other GMs are looking at film and learning the league 24/7?
Well gee Jerry I’m happy that you were able to steal our team so you could “hang” with your kids, and then tell the fans that were here long before you were…”too bad, it’s about ME only.”
I’m not supposed to dislike this guy? Ha.
If he would hire Stephen to be an NFL GM, I wonder if he would hire a guy like a Les Snead to handle his land leasing. Why not?
I hate that guy to the point where I can’t even properly root for this team. I’m sure I’ll watch the series again, but I’ll be forwarding past that scene.