Careful fellas we live in a very sensitive time where anyone and everyone will get thier little feelings hurt. Of course this doesnt apply to the men and women that came before us and payed the ultimate sacrifice, you know, the ones we attempt to honor when we stand and place our hands over our hearts. Also it doesnt apply to LE or thier family's, whatever happens to them is fine too.
Nothing wrong with protesting a corrupted govt which abuses its power and a small minority of LE that do the same. But the BLM movements has too many radicals that have killed any message, and honestly police misconduct happens to all shapes, sizes and colors. It sad that we cant unite and work under a common goal for a better world but instead we all point the finger back at one another. Many are too lazy or assuming to look up and realize how much of everything is perpetuated by the media.
On a side note Kap cant make reads, is often inaccurate and is not a great qb. Playing Chips offense may actually help him but the truth is he isnt a great qb and has only found success when surrounded by a powerful defense and offensive line.