Karma is a MO-FO!

Mods, Maybe I am way out of line here, and if so I apologize, but I find this list by phdefense to be disturbing.

It is fine that he feels the names listed are classless, but they are still giving their opinion.

Anyone should be able to give their opinion without being classified on a list by a poster.

If someone said something that is offensive then the mods should handle it, but a list going around just does not seem right. I know no one who is on that list really cares, but never the less I find it to be wrong.

Once again I apologize if I am out of line here, just giving my opinion.
phdefense said:
Well at least you are all making informed decisions. If you would rather rub an injury in than the Cowboys win another Superbowl so be it. Odd logic but it is yours to have. I will leave all you Eagles fan alone now.

I don't really think anyone's "gloating" about the injury in Philly fashion.. I just don't think any Boys fans r upset that this did happen and simply reflecting on the whole karma thing.. that it was our team that did it... I'm sorry to see him get injured.. but the board cop thing.. and calling out names is pretty lame. though.. it's like your Santa listing the names of the kids who won't get presents :D :eek:
HTownCowboysFan said:
All that dancing on the star...ice skating...the eagles jumping up and down as a team on the BIG STAR prior to the MNF game this year, etc.

AND, philly phan cheering up a storm when the great Mike Irvin recieved a neck injury at the Vet which ended his career.


Isn't it ironic that it was T.O. got this injury vs. The Dallas Cowboys? This probably has cost them a chance for the SB. And T.O. likely will not be the same after this injury. While I don't wish injury on anyone, I can't say that I'm not getting a bit of satisfaction out of this.


Totally agree with you Htown, Scott and the rest of the gang. I'm not shedding a tear for TO and the Eagles. And I don't consider myself a classless fan for not feeling sorry for them. :dance3:
HTownCowboysFan said:
All that dancing on the star...ice skating...the eagles jumping up and down as a team on the BIG STAR prior to the MNF game this year, etc.

AND, philly phan cheering up a storm when the great Mike Irvin recieved a neck injury at the Vet which ended his career.


Isn't it ironic that it was T.O. got this injury vs. The Dallas Cowboys? This probably has cost them a chance for the SB. And T.O. likely will not be the same after this injury. While I don't wish injury on anyone, I can't say that I'm not getting a bit of satisfaction out of this.


Im like happy Owens got injured. Finally got what he deserved. After all the BS stuff Owens has done to this team Im just glad it was a Dallas Cowboy that injured him. Payback is a b****. After readin that part about what hapt on the star at MNF Im even more glad it hapt.

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