Kellen Moore Failed Dak Prescott

The Dakazoids used to blame Linehan for play-calling when he had Dak in top 5 play action usage throughout his career here. Now suddenly MOORe apparently doesn’t use play action and the recent complaint is he was running too much on early downs, while one the reasons the Chargers in fact hired him for was his running game, which their incompetent OC avoided like the plague.
So now I am a liar? LOL Oh the accusations some make in defense of a QB.

As for your last statement, please tell me what my intent is and why I post (especially considering I have not been a part of this group since 2016) considering you said:
dude we dont need to rehash this crap.Ive been arguing with you clear back to days at the ranch and you know it dont go dumb on me all the sudden. You were a big Romo guy (I was not until 14) and we have argued plenty about that and it continued on to this site when the old site went belly up and through daks tenure. You were not happy in 16 with the decision to move on from him and dak has given you plenty of ammo.

so just stop acting like you dont recollect. i didnt call you a liar I just think you were trying to debunk what i said and it bit you thats all.
The problem with Moore is Dak’s limitations, which contributes to predictability, particular UNDER CENTER.

Nothing of this phenomenon changed for our “franchise” QB, whether with Linehan or Moore.

Dak is not a quality passer from under center out of a 3-5-7 drop back that requires well timed deliveries.

“Get him out of the pocket” at a large volume limits the QB to half the field, as well as the type of routes to call. This is not a solution, as this type of play calling is used situationally.

The problem is the mental midget at QB..

One of the things that stands out the most is that Prescott only threw the ball 30 times after dropping back from under center (he also attempted 90 play-action passes from that formation). A fair number of those 30 passes did not even require an actual drop back from center: some of them were quick screens thrown immediately after the snap.

A mere 17.7% of the passing plays called by Moore came when Prescott started under center (120 of 677), with 90 of those pass attempts coming off play-action.

Prescott attempted to execute a three-step, five-step, or seven-step drop on average of less than twice a game in 2019. That basic ratio has been true for every year that Prescott has been in the NFL.

I took a lot of criticism earlier in the year when I suggested Prescott’s inability to take a snap from under center and then drop back and deliver a well-timed and properly-placed pass was a limitation, but it is hard to avoid the fact he only attempted 30 passes all year when dropping back from under center.
dude we dont need to rehash this crap.Ive been arguing with you clear back to days at the ranch and you know it dont go dumb on me all the sudden. You were a big Romo guy (I was not until 14) and we have argued plenty about that and it continued on to this site when the old site went belly up and through daks tenure. You were not happy in 16 with the decision to move on from him and dak has given you plenty of ammo.

so just stop acting like you dont recollect. i didnt call you a liar I just think you were trying to debunk what i said and it bit you thats all.
LOL...I joined for the first time in late 2019 and was never a big Romo guy as, like Dak, I did not think he deserved the big new contract. That said since you want to insinuate as to why I do not like Dak please just say it straight out seeing as how others on here have made claims about certain members not liking Dak that has nothing to do with his on-the-field you said, don't go dumb all of a sudden, right?

The thing is far too many take things to an off-the-field level when they should remain on the field.....that's where people are seen for their emotional investment in a player that shouldn't be there as it takes it to a personal level.
Dak fans blaming Moore for running on early downs at a high rate, now suddenly questioning why he is passing on a 2nd and 2…. So what “TREND” are you complaining about? Is going going quick, taking advantage of a defensive personnel, with another short down to go situation if it doesn’t work a “trend” or situational?
Whoa khiladi, whoa....calm down. I asked a simple question and you jumped to a "complaining claim". And if you want to claim Kellen Moore to a lofty stature, have at it. I'm not.
Now can you answer the question.....since you responded to my post, or you'd prefer remaining in a defensive posture?
LOL...I joined for the first time in late 2019 and was never a big Romo guy as, like Dak, I did not think he deserved the big new contract. That said since you want to insinuate as to why I do not like Dak please just say it straight out seeing as how others on here have made claims about certain members not liking Dak that has nothing to do with his on-the-field you said, don't go dumb all of a sudden, right?

The thing is far too many take things to an off-the-field level when they should remain on the field.....that's where people are seen for their emotional investment in a player that shouldn't be there as it takes it to a personal level.
I think I understand what youre implying here and if youre implying that I have said that to you this is where we are done talking. And i will call you a liar here. its to bad we cant pull data from the ranch (the old site) I bet it would tell a diffent story than youre trying to portray.

Funny thing is Im not as invested in dak as you think. Hes just not as bad as you and some others portray
Whoa khiladi, whoa....calm down. I asked a simple question and you jumped to a "complaining claim". And if you want to claim Kellen Moore to a lofty stature, have at it. I'm not.
Now can you answer the question.....since you responded to my post, or you'd prefer remaining in a defensive posture?
Maybe you know, watch the link to the video. The same play caller got that down there and the same play caller had multiple guy wide open, Schultz and Zeke on both sidesand the QB still does what he dies, stares his read down, oblivious to everywhere else on the field. He has a clean pocket and zero thread. Dak even has multiple lanes to just take off meaning no matter how much you YAP about the empty sets, the QB had so many options here to not do the very thing he was no supposed to do.

The problem was Dak staring down Lamb, while Ward is basically reading Dak’s eyes and leaves his man and has an easy pick.

I think I understand what youre implying here and if youre implying that I have said that to you this is where we are done talking. And i will call you a liar here. its to bad we cant pull data from the ranch (the old site) I bet it would tell a diffent story than youre trying to portray.

Funny thing is Im not as invested in dak as you think. Hes just not as bad as you and some others portray
Unlike you, I didn't imply anything but was asking you to clarify specifically what you were trying to say but wouldn't say it.
Unlike you, I didn't imply anything but was asking you to clarify specifically what you were trying to say but wouldn't say it.
I did in post 242. You said you werent all good. I think youre not being truthful but its pointless to take up bandwidth on it.
So in a nutshell, you are insinuating that everything has to be perfect around Dak in order to hide his flaws.

Just so you know, the best o'line in NFL history wouldn't have been able to prevent this from happening...

lol...poor Dak does not even know how to tackle. He reaches out high to try and grab the dude instead of going for the legs.
....addendum to said headline: Jerry Jones signs QB from Salmon River High School to take over for Dak Prescott.
second line to that headline: This after Dak Prescott suddenly retires after winning the SB and the SB MVP award.
Funniest part of all this is that one side predominently hates Dak, and places ALL the blame on him.
The other side totally defends Dak and places all the blame on KM and/or others.
Why do they all seem to miss the's not one or the other, it's both.
Dak is totally bi-polar. He's hot then cold, and no matter what plays are called Dak responds according to which end of the teeter totter he's riding......he's up or he's down.
KM was not good for Dak Prescott. Moore was a protege of Jason Garrett. He's no more of an offensive genius than Garrett was. Not only that, his stupid little Boise State trick plays very seldom work.
I'm glad KM's contract wasn't guaranteed through **** and high water like Dak's contract. :banghead:
KM's gone, now if we can just last till we can get out from under Dak's contract......
It would be a nightmare having Dak in the Super Bowl. Which Deek would show up? The JAG Deek or the 5-pick Deek?
Not being truthful? You make things up and I am being untruthful? Okay.
so are you saying that you and i never had conversation/debates over at the ranch that centered around the dak/romo controversial decision the owner or head coach made?
Moore's offense without Dak: Bottom 10
Moore's offense with Dak: top 5

so not sure how to interpret Moore in all of this.

but I am sure somebody is going to mention Rush going 4-1, gauranteed.

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