Video: Kellen Moore: Installing the offense


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in all fairness...this offense has been as stale as day old bread at the hostess bakery. Its about time we get a fresh set of plays. Executing the offense the way moore wants may be another thing. It may take half the season to start clicking. I see Pollard being a key player in this.


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Underrated post. The Cover 1 guys are pretty good.

Predictability gets you killed. There are no real new concepts anymore, it's all about disguise and doing the little things that cause moments of hesitation or gives you small advantages like attacking personnel groupings and coverages through their response/adjustments to your groupings, motion insights into defensive plans, when you get a favorable grouping advantage have an idea of who to attack based on matchups, etc. That's how you have to plan if you want to win anything that matters in this league. But done correctly, it's very hard to defend even for the best DCs because no defense is perfect, all coverages have weaknesses, and in the salary cap era you aren't going to have players at every position that can defend everything at a Pro Bowl level.

It requires an objective look into your own offense, and how an NFL caliber DC would play you and adjust. It also requires preparation of how specific defenses actually play, and their pressure points.

Linehan wasn't very good at that. Pretty bad really. Hopefully Kellen can do that, and actually get the offense to implement it successfully, which is easier said that done.


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Weird that Kellen will be on the sideline and Kitna in the booth, isn't it? I thought the QB coach always stayed on the sidelines to talk to the QB personally.

I don't like this. QB coach is to be talking with Dak. He should be upstairs


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I have to say, I used to think, as a player, that Kellen was the goofiest twit ever.

However, I really enjoy listening to him talk as a coach. The kid just has a sharpness to him that I never saw in Linehan. Seems less stubborn as well, and more willing to put his players into desirable situations. Can't wait to see what comes of this hire.
Didn't help with that pic of him in the leather helmet with that grin out of "Leatherheads".

I called him goofy on the old site and these two Idahoans laid into me for a couple of days.

He has that thing about him that says "players' coach" and Linehan looked the opposite to me just watching the interactions on the sidelines. I think he can make the game fun for them again.


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Didn't help with that pic of him in the leather helmet with that grin out of "Leatherheads".

I called him goofy on the old site and these two Idahoans laid into me for a couple of days.

He has that thing about him that says "players' coach" and Linehan looked the opposite to me just watching the interactions on the sidelines. I think he can make the game fun for them again.
Ya know coach, to hear Idahoans talk, they all pretty much admit to KELLEN doing some pretty hilariously goofy televised public service messages up there locally (I've never seen any of them)


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in all fairness...this offense has been as stale as day old bread at the hostess bakery. Its about time we get a fresh set of plays. Executing the offense the way moore wants may be another thing. It may take half the season to start clicking. I see Pollard being a key player in this.

Can they please ditch the pistol formation/run play with Zeke?

It doesn't fool the Defense.


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The most interesting part of this entire interview is the second question. The reporter asks something to the effect, "Can you take us through talking to the players about what they like? Or is it mainly what Dak likes?" In my opinion, his initial response is eye opening. He laughs a bit, but he looks bristled to me. "It's got a little traction, huh?" He then goes on to restate her question as a response...seemingly validate it...and then undermine the entire premise...without telling her she's wrong.

I've been hopeful and skeptical about this coaching change. My fear has been his lack of experience. I've even wondered if he as only hired because Dak likes him.

But, I'm not sure Moore is going to be a patsy for anyone. That was a very intelligent and measured response on his part. If you listen to the response, his goal isn't to listen to the players and do the things they like. He's open to input, but the changes are his.

Then again, maybe I'm reading too much into this...trying to convince myself this is going to work.

Did anyone else pick up on the same thing in that response?

Crazed Liotta Eyes

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Ya know coach, to hear Idahoans talk, they all pretty much admit to KELLEN doing some pretty hilariously goofy televised public service messages up there locally (I've never seen any of them)
Melon, I love your ever-changing avatar but what the hell is this one? Where do you find this stuff?


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Melon, I love your ever-changing avatar but what the hell is this one? Where do you find this stuff?
I think I glommed on to this potato one right here on this site,idk man,I just thumb hold the pic to download image on the ones I like:lmao2:

*I need to change that one out,I guess

Crazed Liotta Eyes

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I've always understood as to that burg used to have an very interesting night life at one time
Yeah, it's got 6th street and all that but once you get to a certain age, you're just the old guy at the club. I haven't lived there in 14 years so I can't speak to it currently. I've only been back a few times to visit my Mom.


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For years the Cowboys didnt let assistant coaches talk to the media. And now it's a 7 minute interview. But he needs to make Dak work on the things ...Dak doesnt like and or is not good at. I say that because I can remember a time when Tom Brady struggle throwing the WR screen (just like Dak) but now it's one of Brady's favorites.

my biggest concern about Dak one day one was his short touch
that got fixed big time last off season

what see now is a QB who and over gun a deep slant,
or gets excited and over throws too many deep routes (of the few they thrown in his era)
technique can fix that, getting him clean though his 2nd read more often would help too

on slow developing plays he tried to extend too many plays in a collapsing pocket
the dumbest thing they did was keep Dak in the pocket too long

still in the 2 half of 2018 he was clutch throwing to 6 or 7 targets regularly who weren't on the team in 2017

4 things that help immediately and get his miserably low TD% up
- a healthier more experience OL
- a full off season with familiar targets
- Pollard, what they always wanted to do with Dunbar, Lucky, Austin - they can do with him
- maybe most important, common sense play calling
more slants,TE dumps, roll outs, and twice as many deep shots as they've been taking
more no huddle would be nice too ... "play fast"

contrary to propaganda ... Dak was not drafted to be a bus driver - but a big play mobile QB - use him that way
on the move Dak throws deep as well as any
and that may be the most valuable skill n football