RELEASED Kellen Moore won't return

zeke up the middle for 1 yard ?


Yeah our offense was so good under Kellen Moore that we would be gutting our opponents for 5 and 6 yards a pop on the ground, then KM would call 3 straight pass plays on 2nd, 3rd, and 4th and 1 or goal.

Never had "in game awareness" adjustments.

Moore has the lowest football IQ out of all the other offensive coordinators in the NFL. He's not even smart enough to be a good offensive coordinator in D1 college programs.

Dude, watch more football and stop posting moronic crap. This fanbase gets what it deserves.
Dak now has 1 year left maybe 2 if they restructure his deal. This next year will be a clear indicator on what dak is. I hated JG, hated linehan, and hated promoting linehans boy toy.

We should be gearing up to move on from dak
Say what you want about Moore.

The offense will take a step back.

As will the quarterback. Even further back.

Will this team ever get over the hump?
You don’t know that. And I would rather see something different because this offense has not worked for 16 years. Yes, it puts stats up, but at the end the season and playoffs always fails. What does every team say about it? Predictable.
I wonder if since Carolina liked moore so much in the interviews they ask Reich to bring him on as OC? I havent paid attention so I dont know if reich has hired anyone other than his daughter yet.

Dallas and Carolina swapping OC's would be an odd event.
New playbook? LOL. I guarantee you this will be the same offense. Maybe Big Mike adds a few wrinkles.

The Garrett/Linehan/Kellen hybrid "Romo/Dak Friendly" offense is never leaving Dallas. It's always going to exist in some form.
Dude, don't say that
My question is Mike changing the scheme or is it just our same playbook with him calling it
I sincerely doubt we run the same scheme, especially with all new offensive coaches too. It will be what Mike wants, which is as it should be
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These geniuses watched him against the 49ers and decided what we needed next season was a bum like Dak Prescott learning a new offense.

The guy who produced a top 10 offense with an average OL, mediocre weapons and a fraud QB had to go.

They're like a dog chasing their tail.
It’s hard to tell when you are being sarcastic and when you are being serious.
Can we changed the title of the post to "Fired"

He was fired...they just made it sound nicer.
West Coast offense with a lot of motion, crossing routes, screens and zone runs. Curious to see how Prescott takes to a new system. Also curious if Big Mike asks for a young QB to be drafted.

He will, no way he is going to be thrown under the bus without getting an opportunity to bring his guy
I think Kellen has a bright future to be honest.

I also think he was RUSHED into the OC job because the jones’ were again dead set on “their guy” and “developing” the next coach.

Kellen Moore was a QB coach for what. One year? Before being OC?

Stupidity. Madness and stupidity.

I’m fine with Big Mike running his own offense. He has tons of experience and won a Super Bowl running his own offense.
Moore will be just fine wherever he goes. Moore was obviously hamstrung by a limited QB. Plus Dak also needs an OC that can reign in his worst instincts and provide a more disciplined structure. Both Dak and Moore will benefit from the split.
Remember how Garrett would “have teams lining up to hire him” if he ever got fired? This will be the same.

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