I have to admit that after reading this message thread, my curiosity got the best of me so I checked out the show and instantly fell in love with it. One thing that stood out for me with Ultimate Fighter was the difference in coaching technique/style between Team Rampage and Team Rashad, where the obvious choice (for me anyway) is with Rashad - in not only how he coaches his team, but with how he's far superior to Rampage as a mentor too.
Last night's episode "The Snitch" clearly supports this (particularly with how he shunned his own fighter after the loss while wondering aloud why he was the one who was having all the bad luck in this competition). It was also evident from the season premier as well when Rampage had first instructed his team members not to shake hands with their opponents at the beginning of each fight in order to "send a message". That was a bit much for me and I think it reflected badly for him from the onset.
Rampage is a great fighter (and for that alone he'll always have my respect) but when it comes to coaching, he's a huge disappointment.
With that said, I'm going for Team Rashad all the way.