News: King James' advice to Romo

"Prior to James joining the Miami Heat, he was criticized for his inability to win a championship. After back-to-back titles, James has silenced the majority of his critics."

You think the team itself had something to do with winning a championship and maybe not James alone? Kind of how team sports works out, as good as an individual may be it still comes down to the other parts of the team putting it together to win it all. In my view more so in football than any other team sport

was this your response when people criticized him for not winning a championship prior to 2012? If so, then you have a valid point. If not, then you're just a hater.
was this your response when people criticized him for not winning a championship prior to 2012? If so, then you have a valid point. If not, then you're just a hater.

It would be my reponse towards any talented player who plays in a team sport. Teams win championships and while an idividual certainly can increase your chances based on his own talent it still takes the team to win.
"Just don't care what other people think"

Uh, LeBron cares more about what other people think of him than maybe any athlete ever. I wouldn't listen to a single thing that clown told me.
"Just don't care what other people think"

Uh, LeBron cares more about what other people think of him than maybe any athlete ever. I wouldn't listen to a single thing that clown told me.

I don't think he is a clown and no doubt player who say they don't care what others think or they don't listen to criticism is not being honest. I'm sure they do but I think the difference is how you respond to it, do you use it as motivation or do you cave under the pressure?
Sigh, James is 1 of 5 starters to impact a game where as Romo is one of 22(not including ST's).

LeBron also had to join a loaded team to win, maybe Romo needs to as well. That says to me it is a team game and not one individual can win it by himself, especially in football.

Good advice from James but I am sure it is much easier to say this now when he has a couple of rings under his belt. Keep striving for that Mt. Rushmore LeBron, keep striving...............

Tony could join a loaded team and still be choking and halfing 5-pix Sundays.

This boy Tony is snake bit. And he will never return to the playoffs, especially with this bad team.

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