KK still has the AZ money through next year.* Anything he makes as an OC offsets his AZ money. I.e. he's actually coaching for free this year, in terms of making more money for himself, for the work. Could have just chilled. He was in obligation to make good faith efforts to find employment, but only for HC gigs (which nobody gave him). Was not obligated to get the college gig or the Washington gig, although they did offset his AZ contract (i.e. doing the Bidwells a favor, as well as just his intellectual interest, I guess).
Given that he took gigs instead of sitting on his ***, it sounds like he was interested in the work or at least wanted to stay employed and relevant after the AZ money wears out (versus stale). So, I do think he would take an HC gig. It's clear he still has some ambition. Also having done the job before, even failing (and it wasn't total failure), that he is not intimidated by the scope of the job.
I don't think it's solely about money and I doubt that he commands some huge Gruden away from MNF type contract. I do think situation (compatible owner, compatible GM, freedom to hire his staff) would be important to him. I think roster is less critical (people overemphasize this, rosters have turnover...heck rosters have talent). I don't think he needs a perfect situation, given his ambition, nor will he command a perfect situation. But I do think he's different than a guy (realistically, say Dan Quinn**) who is going to take any gig he can get.
P.s. I think that failed pitch play to JD, from MM was a great play design AND used in correct situation. Skins fans ripping him for being too cute are making the classic failure of blaming the playcaller, for a call that failed on execution, not design or when called.
*Maybe the year after. Not sure how to research this. Also, not sure exactly what he is making.
**When do we start thinking about Quinn's extension? He only has two more years under contract.