Signed by Cowboys La'el Collins Extended


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Not the same at all and TCrawford is still underpaid for a 43 DT/DE.......nowhere near top pay for TCrawford

I like Crawford and have defended him against people who said we should cut him.

But he's overpaid.


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Man, I've been saying Jerry was going to make the first round money right for like forever now.

Those of you who told me over and over that I was wrong, please step up!

So let me get this straight

Jerry didn't do this ALL THE TIMES you said he would and did do it when you didn't say it?

Ok, you were wrong all those times and you're wrong now

Congratulations :thumbup:

And congrats to Collins


That's still my Quarterback
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They actually save a good chunk of money by doing this instead of going the First round tender, then franchise tag route. I don't think you can give him a long term deal in 2019 with two (soon to be three) massive contracts on the offensive line already. So a franchise tag would've been in play.

2017 First Round Tender: 3.91 mil
2017 Franchise Tag for OL: 14.271 mil
Total: 2 years, 18.181 mil

This deal: 2 years, 15.4 mil

Savings: ~2.8 mil (but likely even more with the franchise tag for O-lineman increasing about 1 mil every year since 2013.)

Shrewd deal.


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So now RT are less valuable than OG? I think that figure is more of a function of teams not having two good tackles more than RT being undervalued.

If Tyron were to go down who would you put at LT?

Chaz Green, then probably Cleary if he makes the team.


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So now RT are less valuable than OG? I think that figure is more of a function of teams not having two good tackles more than RT being undervalued.

If Tyron were to go down who would you put at LT?

What? Who said anything about OGs.

He's now the 2nd highest paid RT according to that tweet when he's never played a down at RT.

The Cowboys are clearly banking on potential here.


Stop chasing
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What's of buying in to potential that we did with Crawford.

Funny how this is praised now.... Lord help Collins and the front office if he struggles with health (again) or a level of competition at RT (that he never yet faced).

Meanwhile everyone in this thread cheering will forget they did so.
It's probably something to do with him being pegged as a 1st rounder where Crawford was a 3rd rounder who showed some flashes. Not saying anyone is correct, but that first round pedigree and the short length of the contract seems like a good move by JJ. Being the 2nd highest paid RT in football is a bit much but seems that's what we do instead of using FA recently; slightly overpay our own guys early on. Being a RFA next season after being even mid range quality starter would garner some outside attention from teams. It's not like we have anyone on D that needs re-signing unf. with DLaws back problems.
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Chuck 54

Well-Known Member
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Man, I've been saying Jerry was going to make the first round money right for like forever now.

Those of you who told me over and over that I was wrong, please step up!
The difference is you wanted to pay a guy who was playing left guard, then injured, never an all star. Now we've had him on a cheap deal and just signed him to what will still be a good deal for us while he's the starting RT. He didn't deserve the money at left guard when we had another left guard just as good.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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What's of buying in to potential that we did with Crawford.

Funny how this is praised now.... Lord help Collins and the front office if he struggles with health (again) or a level of competition at RT (that he never yet faced).

Meanwhile everyone in this thread cheering will forget they did so.

I guess I'm in the group that doesn't mind the Crawford deal. At the time, he was playing at a high level and looked like the future at 3-tech. You can't really predict injuries.

Now, I would have probably waiting until he had some games under his belt at RT, but if he was playing at a high level, his price tag also would have been higher. A $4 million signing bonus on a two-year deal protects Dallas fairly well against Collins failing.