Larry73;4192256 said:
No one owns the moon so it can't be sold.
That's not true.
There's an old international law that states that the first person to discover new land basically owns it and can do what he wants with it. Well, since no one had ever legally claimed the moon, this guy went through all the proper legal channels and legally claimed the moon.
He has been selling plots on it for decades now. There are quite a few famous people, including at least 2 former presidents who have bought some. Carter and I believe Reagan.
Whomever owns these plots basically now owns all the mineral and water rights to his/her plot of land. If we ever actually start mining the moon in the distant future, then whomever owns these plots will be rich.
These deeds are stashed in safety deposit boxes all over the world and are willed to surviving relatives.
I know it sounds ridiculous but if you ask me the guy who pulled this off is a genius. I promise you that he does own the moon and he is absolutely making money selling it.
"So property rights on the moon are still the subject of international discussion. But would anyone buy lunar land? And what would it take to establish good title?
The answer to the first question is clearly "yes." Lots of people would buy lunar land--and, in fact, lots of people have, sort of. Dennis Hope, owner of Lunar Embassy, says he's sold 500 million acres as "novelties." Each parcel is about the size of a football field and costs $16 to $20. Buyers choose the location--except for the Sea of Tranquility and the Apollo landing sites, which Hope has placed off-limits.
To convey good title, Hope essentially wrote the U.N. to say he was going to begin selling lunar property. When the U.N. didn't respond with an objection, he asserted that this allowed him to proceed. Although I regard his claim to good title as dubious, his customers have created a constituency to recognize his position. If he sells enough lunar property, it may become a self-fulfilling prophecy."