Laurel or Yanny

Ok, so I am working this morning and my daughter texts me. Laurel or Yanny? Been working 16 hour days the past few months I had no idea what she was talking about. She sent me a clip of it and I said " WTH its Yanny whats the big deal" . Of course I am not on facebook or my book or your space or whatever it is these days so I had no idea social media was having a debate about this. She told me she hears laurel and then I stop working to figure out teh hoopla. So what do you guys year?

I hear Yanny. Have heard nothing but Yanny. I go out to eat wiht my wife Friday and play it for her. She says its Laurel and don't even try to pretend you hear Yanny. I hear Laurel now. It's not worth the argument.
This is what all the stupid memes, hashtags, and garbage is about? Some stupid audio where people are arguing over what it says?

Good Lord this world is so stupid.
Not to hijack the thread, but, have you guys seen this one? Where you hear what you think you want to hear?

Not to hijack the thread, but, have you guys seen this one? Where you hear what you think you want to hear?

The first 5-6 times, it sounded like "Green needle" and nothing like "Brain storm". After trying it a few minutes later and thinking about the word "Brain storm", it sounded even more clearly like "Brain Storm" and I can't hear "Green Needle" anymore no matter how hard I try to trick myself. **Edit** Just tried again and now I can only hear "Green Needle".

Now, between the Laurel/Yanny audio, I still can't trick my mind into hearing anything but "Laurel". Even my 7 year old daughter sitting behind me, listening to this dumb crap, says she hears "Laurel".

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