Bad angles, arm tackling, poor technique, looking for the hit rather than wrapping up, etc. the point is that we are not a good tackling team yet but we had better get there soon. I hope that is the focus of practice the rest of the season before we get to the playoffs.
The stop by Burnett at the goalline was AWESOME! He should be giving the rest of the team tips on how it is supposed to be done. The hit by Keith Davis on the last kickoff was also outstanding, big hit and wrap up, hammer him to the ground!
Wade should put toothpicks in Roy Williams' eyelids and force him to watch those two tackles over and over until he gets it. Hit, wrap, hammer to the ground. Hit, wrap, hammer to the ground. Hit, wrap, hammer to the ground.
Newman and Henry also missed a couple of tackles due to bad angles and arm tackles. I can hear Vince Lombardi now, "Grab, grab, grab! That's all I see out there, nothing but grab, grab, grab!".