CFZ Let’s take the fan glasses off for a moment


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Let me just say the obvious that will be a hard pill for some fans here to swallow- the better team won last night. But that doesn’t mean by December Filly will still be a better team. It takes longer than six games to crown a champ!

And- Let’s take the fan glasses off and be objective here-
  • We are very fortunate to be 4-2. After the Tampa game, did any one of us think after six games we would be 4-2?
  • We are STILL very much in the NFC East race and certainly in the mix for making the playoffs.
  • We lost last night for several reasons-
    • We had three turnovers and the e-girls had none.
    • We had 10 penalties- 2 of which were stupid mental mistakes where two of our best defensive players lost their cool.
    • We lost because Filly exploited a real defensive weakness we certainly have and need to improve on- stopping the run especially to the outside.
    • Hate to say it, but it’s true- Filly made more key plays at critical moments than we did. That TD drive they had in the 4th qtr when we had all the momentum was what sealed it. They executed better than we did. Plain and simple.
    • We went 4-1 with our backup QB. I avoid the silly “Dak vs Rush” hyperbole because in the end, whatever any of our fans think, Dak is the starter. Rush deserves a lot of credit for sure. But he’s not an NFL starter. And I just want the ‘Boys to win whoever starts at QB.
  • On the bright side:
    • We have only played 35% of the season. There is a ton of football left to be played. A lot can and will happen that we don’t foresee.
    • This defense actually played pretty well last night in the second half. It’s still a top 5 D in the league.
    • The running game is showing signs of gaining some traction. The OL has improved.
Final word on this- don’t look at the schedule and assume anything. Every single game on the schedule will be challenging. It will for the e-girls too! The NFL is the most unpredictable league in sports. We have a ton of football left to play.
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Give me a cup of your optimism, Bob. I would really like a cup. I fail to understand the ability to remain optimistic in a time like this.


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Let me just say the obvious that will be a hard pill for some fans here to swallow- the better team won last night. But that doesn’t mean by December Filly will still be a better team. It takes longer than six games to crown a champ!

And- Let’s take the fan glasses off and be objective here-
  • We are very fortunate to be 4-2. After the Tampa game, did any one of us think after six games we would be 4-2?
  • We are STILL very much in the NFC East race and certainly in the mix for making the playoffs.
  • We lost last night for several reasons-
    • We had three turnovers and the e-girls had none.
    • We had 10 penalties- 2 of which were stupid mental mistakes where two of our best defensive players lost their cool.
    • We lost because Filly exploited a real defensive weakness we certainly have and need to improve on- stopping the run especially to the outside.
    • Hate to say it, but it’s true- Filly made more key plays at critical moments than we did. That TD drive they had in the 4th qtr when we had all the momentum was what sealed it. They executed better than we did. Plain and simple.
    • We went 4-1 with our backup QB. I avoid the silly “Dak vs Rush” hyperbole because in the end, whatever any of our fans think, Dak is the starter. Rush deserves a lot of credit for sure. But he’s not an NFL starter.
  • On the bright side:
    • We have only played 35% of the season. There is a ton of football left to be played. A lot can and will happen that we don’t foresee.
    • This defense actually played pretty well last night in the second half. It’s still a top 5 D in the league.
    • The running game is showing signs of gaining some traction. The OL has improved.
Final word on this- don’t look at the schedule and assume anything. Every single game on the schedule will be challenging. It will for the e-girls too! The NFL is the most unpredictable league in sports. We have a ton of football left to,play.
Agree with this whole heartedly.

big dog cowboy

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  • We are very fortunate to be 4-2. After the Tampa game, did any one of us think after six games we would be 4-2?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Good read as always but also wanted to give a shout out about your thread on falling behind the Eagles early. It was as spot on as a spot on could be. Killed us in the 2nd Quarter exactly like you pointed out.
That second qtr certainly ended up being what killed us. The e-girls have now scored over 100 points in the second quarter this season. For some reason, that’s when they make their kill shot.


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I agree with your main point. The Eagles are the better team right now. I'm sure most Cowboys fans won't accept that. We all have our lists for why the Cowboys lost and pretend the Eagles had no influence on that. In fact, nothing happened last night that the Eagles haven't been doing all season to other teams.


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Some additional positives from last night:
  • 134 yards rushing on 26 attempt- 5.2 yards/attempt
  • 0 sacks allowed on 38 pass attempts
  • 4 sacks by defense on 29 drop backs
  • Allowed 3.5 yard/attempt rushing (that crucial 4th Q drive- not so good)

Interceptions, penalties (Fowler offsides was terrible!) a call here and there (Cee Dee 1st down stretch) were the difference.
We will be better when we meet again- and we will win! Might not win division but we will make the playoffs and be a very dangerous team (barring injuries).


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Let me just say the obvious that will be a hard pill for some fans here to swallow- the better team won last night. But that doesn’t mean by December Filly will still be a better team. It takes longer than six games to crown a champ!

And- Let’s take the fan glasses off and be objective here-
  • We are very fortunate to be 4-2. After the Tampa game, did any one of us think after six games we would be 4-2?
  • We are STILL very much in the NFC East race and certainly in the mix for making the playoffs.
  • We lost last night for several reasons-
    • We had three turnovers and the e-girls had none.
    • We had 10 penalties- 2 of which were stupid mental mistakes where two of our best defensive players lost their cool.
    • We lost because Filly exploited a real defensive weakness we certainly have and need to improve on- stopping the run especially to the outside.
    • Hate to say it, but it’s true- Filly made more key plays at critical moments than we did. That TD drive they had in the 4th qtr when we had all the momentum was what sealed it. They executed better than we did. Plain and simple.
    • We went 4-1 with our backup QB. I avoid the silly “Dak vs Rush” hyperbole because in the end, whatever any of our fans think, Dak is the starter. Rush deserves a lot of credit for sure. But he’s not an NFL starter. And I just want the ‘Boys to win whoever starts at QB.
  • On the bright side:
    • We have only played 35% of the season. There is a ton of football left to be played. A lot can and will happen that we don’t foresee.
    • This defense actually played pretty well last night in the second half. It’s still a top 5 D in the league.
    • The running game is showing signs of gaining some traction. The OL has improved.
Final word on this- don’t look at the schedule and assume anything. Every single game on the schedule will be challenging. It will for the e-girls too! The NFL is the most unpredictable league in sports. We have a ton of football left to play.

Add play of TE to the bright side


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Let me just say the obvious that will be a hard pill for some fans here to swallow- the better team won last night. But that doesn’t mean by December Filly will still be a better team. It takes longer than six games to crown a champ!

And- Let’s take the fan glasses off and be objective here-
  • We are very fortunate to be 4-2. After the Tampa game, did any one of us think after six games we would be 4-2?
  • We are STILL very much in the NFC East race and certainly in the mix for making the playoffs.
  • We lost last night for several reasons-
    • We had three turnovers and the e-girls had none.
    • We had 10 penalties- 2 of which were stupid mental mistakes where two of our best defensive players lost their cool.
    • We lost because Filly exploited a real defensive weakness we certainly have and need to improve on- stopping the run especially to the outside.
    • Hate to say it, but it’s true- Filly made more key plays at critical moments than we did. That TD drive they had in the 4th qtr when we had all the momentum was what sealed it. They executed better than we did. Plain and simple.
    • We went 4-1 with our backup QB. I avoid the silly “Dak vs Rush” hyperbole because in the end, whatever any of our fans think, Dak is the starter. Rush deserves a lot of credit for sure. But he’s not an NFL starter. And I just want the ‘Boys to win whoever starts at QB.
  • On the bright side:
    • We have only played 35% of the season. There is a ton of football left to be played. A lot can and will happen that we don’t foresee.
    • This defense actually played pretty well last night in the second half. It’s still a top 5 D in the league.
    • The running game is showing signs of gaining some traction. The OL has improved.
Final word on this- don’t look at the schedule and assume anything. Every single game on the schedule will be challenging. It will for the e-girls too! The NFL is the most unpredictable league in sports. We have a ton of football left to play.
Pretty much my thoughts that I have said in other threads. Too much "doom and gloom" around here.


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We are very fortunate to be 4-2. After the Tampa game, did any one of us think after six games we would be 4-2?
Seriously, at the beginning of the season if you'd told me Dallas would be 4-2 with Dak starting the entire time, I would be taken it. And, by the way, I'm not one of the people around here who thinks Dak sucks. I just think given who we were going to play, that wouldn't be a bad start to the season.