It's not a matter of believing you or not believing you, I am simply not going to rely on what you or anyone claims nor am I going to rely on your interpretation of what you heard. You're the one who made the claim that Wade said Jerry told him to start calling plays, therefore you should be able to back it up with evidence to support your position.
You're the one who heard it and know which press conference it was, so why can’t you provide evidence to support your position?
I'm not saying you can't but I am beginning to wonder why you're so resistant to providing a link that supports your claim.
I discount most of what I read on the internet until I find reliable evidence that justifies my reliance on said claims.
This is not a knock or attack on you, but merely a prudent way to filter the volume of information that is spewed over the internet.
If you were in a court of law, your assertions would be thrown in the trash if your only proof was that you had read it somewhere on the internet and you expected a judge or jury to do their own research.
You made the claim and should be able to back it up with proof, not to convince me, but to give validity to your argument which I would assume you want people to acknowledge; otherwise you wouldn't have taken the time to make the post.
Providing evidence forces people to look the facts in the eye and accept them or reject them. You're not omniscient, so we don't have to do that with whatever rolls off your keyboard.