Let's give Garrett credit


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I gave him credit for that turnaround last season, some are too selective with the blame and credit. There are quite a few HC's that did not have their offenses ready to go the opening week of the season including ATL, CHI, GB, CLE, PIT and three of those have been mentioned as favorites to win their division.

With preseason no longer considered tuning up for the regular season, the job of any HC is a little tougher and Cowboys came out ready to play aggressive on offense and to erase the notion that the 2019 offense is the 2018 offense and they did just that. Kellen the Young did a fine job but I cannot not give the HC credit when I can give him blame so easily. And we have no idea of how involved he was in the game plan but few HC's that are former OC's just turn the team over to an OC.

I think one of the bad habits we've gotten into on this forum is using the HC as the catch all for the blame so he gets the credit, begrudgingly, when he could be coaching for his job.


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I will not give JG credit. I just can not do it. Besides, I think he pulled in the reigns in the 4th. I wanted KM too pour it on.

why pour it on? the game is won. we were up 35-10. he put in the subs to protect starters from potential unnecessary injury....I agreed with the move. the goal is to win, not win by 50 and get injuries


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What should Garrett get credit for?

Moore is the guy that deserves the big high fives. The changes he has brought to this offense were obvious all day long. And it wasnt just the disguise and design that was different, it was the way he called the game. Sprinkling in designed Dak runs when needed with play action and deep balls. Garrett has been heading this offense for the last 14 years and we have never seen anything like this.

Garrett doesnt touch this kid when it comes to offense. That much is pleasingly obvious.
its funny when other coaches do it, they get credit, but when garrett does it, its Dak, Cooper, Jerry, Moore, etc. Dak even said, its the same system and offense as before. nothing new. he just added pre-snap motions (linehan was poor at that) and we had a lot of different routes being run on the same play attacking all zones.

and if that's the case, then outside of bilicheck and few others who call their own plays, no coach should get any credit what so ever because its the OC and DCs that do the job. right?


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So what does Garrett do then? Make practice schedules and decide when to call time outs? We have a head coach that has systematically had all his “product on the field” responsibilities stripped from him because he is inept and can’t produce playoff wins. There literally is now no reason to keep him around. All yesterday proved was that the Garrett era has been a total waste of talent and he is the sole reason.
what does Gase do? what does Carroll do? what does mike tomlin do? what does Ron Rivera do? what does O'riean do? they all have OCs and DCs. and they are just head coaches. you just hate garrett, yet don't factor in that he has to work around Jerry.


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What I find interesting is how similar JG and Moore are in terms of coaching. Both had one year of QB coach then got promoted to OC.

The difference is that you saw Moore know 10 times more than JG did when they both where in their 1st year. JG had to have help with running game and never really understood the running game not game flow for that matter.

Sucks that they wasted all those years with JG when today should show you the difference in talent level. Funny how the team is always better the less JG is involved with the details.

Don’t eat me wrong, Moore will struggle later in the year when he plays strong teams with weeks of film on him but he is WAY ahead of where Jg was.
what!! garrett in his first year as OC produced a top 3 offense, #2 scoring offense..... he didn't have half the talent we have on the team now.


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You mean when the team went 7-1 to close the regular season or rolled over the Seahawks in the playoffs.

Getting dressed down is what happens at 3-5. Not the end of the season on the road in the playoffs. He was probably given a tangible progress step he has to achieve but that's not exactly getting dressed down.

He appears to have things going in the right direction 1 game in. 18 more to go
garrett hater fantasy and folklore....


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I"ll give Garrett credit when he goes to Jerry and steps down after admitting the Cowboys would be a better team with Kellen Moore as HC.


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Jerry made it clear in the offseason that KM has Cart Blanche to do his thing. Garrett is just a community organizer out there...
really? what I also heard is that Garrett will have input and control on offense.....but hey, if it feeds your garrett hatred then all the power to you.


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I"ll give Garrett credit when he goes to Jerry and steps down after admitting the Cowboys would be a better team with Kellen Moore as HC.
OMG> this knew jerk reaction after one game against a hapless defense.... so when the offense struggles mid season, will you want KM fired?


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I don't think Garrett has been given permission to handcuff Moore lol

At this point I'm not sure what Garrett does. Snark aside, he does seem to have a good relationship with the players.


What does he do?


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I mean if the coaching was better there would never have been 12 men on the field. Jus sayin
he did what a hc does. he saw the potential infraction and called a timeout. all he needs to do is manage the games now and let his coordinators call the plays.


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OMG> this knew jerk reaction after one game against a hapless defense.... so when the offense struggles mid season, will you want KM fired?

If he does, no.

But I really don't see that happening.

Kellen Moore has a great offensive mind. I hate the word great. But that's what Moore is all about. He just has a great football mind.

Like I keep pointing out, it's worth noting that Moore is not an athlete. You can see that, measure that, etc.

He's simply a football brain, in a high school golfer's body, who somehow made to the NFL, even admirably started a game for us, with only his brain, a 50-3 college record and all kinds of passing records.

Dude is legit as legit gets if you're scouting him on talent, ability, personality for a coaching job.

He has the kind of knowledge coupled with the kind of thought process, instincts and intuition you need in a coach.

Anyway, you're going to see something from this guy we haven't had since Jimmy Johnson was head coach: Kellen Moore will make adjustments so it will be a lot more difficult for defensive coordinators to figure him out before they get a chance to figure him out.

His football mind is that diverse, has that much knowledge, is that flexible, that intuitive.

I'm trying to tell you. This guy is smart and collected like we haven't seen at OC in a long, long time.
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really? what I also heard is that Garrett will have input and control on offense.....but hey, if it feeds your garrett hatred then all the power to you.

The minute Garrett starts poking his nose in what Moore is doing is the moment it all falls apart. What we saw yesterday was a modern offense which Garrett knows nothing about.


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what does Gase do? what does Carroll do? what does mike tomlin do? what does Ron Rivera do? what does O'riean do? they all have OCs and DCs. and they are just head coaches. you just hate garrett, yet don't factor in that he has to work around Jerry.

I don’t recall seeing where any of them have had all the duties they were hired for stripped from them because they sucked at them. Those teams are running the schemes dictated by those coaches, at least on the side of th football they are experts in. Garrett has all offensive input taken away. There is no reason left for him to even be there and yes I don’t like him. He has wasted some very talented teams trying to relive the 90’s and this time get some credit for it.


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I don’t recall seeing where any of them have had all the duties they were hired for stripped from them because they sucked at them. Those teams are running the schemes dictated by those coaches, at least on the side of th football they are experts in. Garrett has all offensive input taken away. There is no reason left for him to even be there and yes I don’t like him. He has wasted some very talented teams trying to relive the 90’s and this time get some credit for it.

I'll take "I'm just making up nonsense" for a $100 Alex.


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I will give him credit when I see him holding a Lombardi.

He has been here for 12 years ........ been head coach since 2010 .......... its time for the process to bear some fruit ...... we have been patient enough.


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For not handcuffing Moore's play calling. Some of you may think I'm joking, but in this case I'm not. It's not easy for a HC to sit back and let another coach call plays, especially a rookie OC. Let's see if he holds him back in a closer game.

Why do people think he would if he's doing a good job. It's obvious he trusts him. It's not just Kellen, it Kitna too, it's Columbo too, its the TE coach too, it's Lal as well, it's also Garrett. If the guy is doing well no coach is going to interfere.