You have not noticed the significant drop off when Claiborne is absent? It's been very evident to me. Look at the games since Denver. The defense was very solid vs. Washington and Philly and while not great was somewhat capable vs. Detroit. Then he got hurt and the D was incapable of making a stop vs. Detroit. Ponder looked very at ease throwing against us, and the Saints set a record. Then he came back for NY and they were held to 6 pts most of the game, and after he got hurt they came back to tie it. Since he's been gone, we've had the Bears, and Packers games, and many argue McGloin was having a field day. You see a few plays Claiborne isn't great (and really except on a drive in NY, you'd be hard pressed to find many since Denver), and think he's a liability, I notice the complete change in effectiveness of the defense when he's healthy compared to when he's hurt.