Back in the day of Lombardi, Landry, Grant and Noll, they were the dog and the players were the tail with coaches having the ultimate hammer, starting positions and playing time because that related directly to paychecks.
If a player committed a penalty or mistake, he came out of the game for at least a play as a statement. When was the last time you saw that? They left Gregory in while he was laughing.
There is little depth and the coaches and players all know it. They tried benching Williams and McGovern was not as good so they had to put Williams back in. Think any HC is going to make himself vulnerable to make a point?
The average lifespan of a HC is equal to players now but the difference is most owners will pay their QB more than their entire coaching staff, so who are they going to keep happy?
It's a money grab. Get the HC contract, wait to get fired, get your go away money and get another coordinator's gig. The turnover in HC's in the NFL is embarrassing to the game.
Those 4 HC's I mentioned in that first sentence would struggle in today's NFL. Just like Johnson and Parcells did. No HC hated penalties more than Parcells and he couldn't fix it.
The players became the dog and it is only going to get worse from here on out. Coaches like Petrino, Saban, Spurrier and Kelly realized what they did would not work in the NFL.
The biggest mistake the owners have made was when the cap began to expand, they allowed salaries to expand instead of rosters. 220M spread among 75 is much better than 53 because these agents are aiming for %'s of the cap for their players which is why QB salaries doubled in just 10 years.