LHN confims: Mack Brown resigning


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The potential for Mack's demise has been in the air since last year, and other top programs have taken action recently to secure the contract of their head coach, as the UT administration has been no doubt sniffing around available candidates. So, the talent pool has dramatically shrunken, with recent extensions given to Saban, Malzahn, Briles, Mora, and Sumlin. It seems that Urban Meyer will retire in his Ohio homeland, and Shaw has his dream job at Stanford. There is no longer much interest in Muschamp, and I can't see why Jimbo would leave FSU with another year pending for Winston.

The pickin's are therefore slim. Talk is that Strong at Louisville may have a shot, due to recent success in a small market program.
I've heard the names of Harbaugh, Gundy, and Miles mentioned, but i don't think they're ready to leave their current jobs.

This is further complicated by the opening of 2 other high profile slots in the state -- Titans and Cowboys.
Yes, I think the recent game management flaws have spelled doom for JG.

Ought to be an interesting next month or two; and then staff-building will also create ripples that will be felt across the country.
It really doesn't seem that there's enough top candidates out there.


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Strong, Franklin, Smart are the best choices. Mora would be a bad move.