Listen/Watch Game Tonight on the Internet, etc? *Merge*

TO PJTHEDOORS: I love you man - that's in a man way of course. Anyway I clicked on sop:// and caught the last few minutes of the 2nd quarter up to the TD catch by Stanbach. Since I can't watch the game here outside Tampa, I listened to it on the ticket so I really enjoyed watching it today.

This may sound stupid but what's the website for ESPN Cowboys board? I've tried variety of website but nothing I do turns it up. I want to check it out to see if someone lists channel (several days after the game) for Cowboys/Texan game if sopcast doesn't provide the channel by game time Saturday night.

Appreciate any help.

sago1;1603400 said:
TO PJTHEDOORS: I love you man - that's in a man way of course. Anyway I clicked on sop:// and caught the last few minutes of the 2nd quarter up to the TD catch by Stanbach. Since I can't watch the game here outside Tampa, I listened to it on the ticket so I really enjoyed watching it today.

This may sound stupid but what's the website for ESPN Cowboys board? I've tried variety of website but nothing I do turns it up. I want to check it out to see if someone lists channel (several days after the game) for Cowboys/Texan game if sopcast doesn't provide the channel by game time Saturday night.

Appreciate any help.
Just F.Y.I. I downloaded sopcast last week as well. Today my computer did a full system scan and it found a virus in sopcast. I don't think it harmed anything. Just wanted to put that info out there
can somebody on this forum stream the game on SOPCAST so use less fortunate people can watch cowboys games 2 since the person on SOPCAST is not showing the cowboys for the second week in a row:bang2: . Thanks it will be much appreciated:bow: .
Guys. I'm the one broadcasting "Dallas Cowboys Network". DCN as I call it. Go to my website and it will help to resolve some of your concerns.

I also have a schedule posted to make it easy to know which people are broadcasting what games.

As for the broadcasts I contribute, it has to do with many of the same concerns you have about logistics. Unless someone in the DFW area is broadcasting the game, then it wont be on Sopcast. However, once preseason is over, most of the games will be broadcast. I broadcast what I can for those who cant see various games. I too dont live in the DFW area. So I try to get other guys to broadcast the game.

I am currently broadcasting last weeks Broncos game which I reencoded and am upstreaming from my PC.

Go to

This should help with any technical problems.
heavyg;1603546 said:
Just F.Y.I. I downloaded sopcast last week as well. Today my computer did a full system scan and it found a virus in sopcast. I don't think it harmed anything. Just wanted to put that info out there

There are no viruses in Sopcast.
Draegerman;1603165 said:
Hi all,

In an act of desperation last week, I downloaded the SopCast media software in hopes of catching the Cowboys/Broncos preseason game. But as luck would have it, we were denied the opportunity because the jerkwad who normally hosts it decided it was more important to take a vacation during that time instead, (I mean, dude, where are your priorities at?).

Anyway, I played around with this SopCast by checking out some other channels it offered. The problem that I encountered frequently was the shows would freeze or the incredble lengthy times it took to buffer. Is this more of a broadband issue and if so, would a cable modem handle it better than my dsl?

Last question, do I understand this correctly concerning NFL regular season games? I mean, is it possible to watch an out-of-market broadcast of your favorite NFL team in the regular season provided that someone is willing to host it?

Thanks and apologies if all of these questions have been addressed before.

If you dont know what you are talking about, then you shouldnt refer to people as jerkwads. I'm doing the best I can to provide the most that I can provide.

Your welcome.
can you broadcast the cowboys game 2morrow since you know how to broadcast on will be much much appreciated thanks
He doesn't live in the DFW area. So he is waiting for others to stream the game. Let's hope.

jblaze2004;1603775 said:
can you broadcast the cowboys game 2morrow since you know how to broadcast on will be much much appreciated thanks
I'm working on it everyday. Unfortunately I wont know until tomorrow. The guy in Texas is'nt as commited to this as I am.

The good news is that some will get to see much of what they may not have been able too.

If someone knows how to do this, and they live in the broadcast area, then I will give them all the support they need. We will add them to the channel listing at my website.

Most of the regular season games will be broadcast. And many other NFL games you may have missed will be streamed as well.
Future 585;1603808 said:
Quick this legal? lol

Lets say that it is about as illegal as sharing MP3's via P2P. It's P2P technology and the content happens to be video not Madona's latest crap. :)
STAR GAZER;1603765 said:
If you dont know what you are talking about, then you shouldnt refer to people as jerkwads. I'm doing the best I can to provide the most that I can provide.

Your welcome.


The "jerkwad" reference was more tongue in check than anything else. I was merely making fun of someone actually having a life rather than devoting it to the Dallas Cowboys on a 24/7 basis. Secondly, the person that I was referring to was based out of California and I was told on the SopCast message board that he was on vacation during that week so we wouldn't be getting the game live - if this was indeed you then my apologies for the "jerkwad" comment. Once again, it was given in a toungue in cheek manner.

Lastly (and this has more to do with your grammar rather than your content), when you stated "your welcome", although I'm not sure what I should be thanking you for but I will say that the correct way to state it in this case would be, "you're welcome". Just a little friendly advice as I can assure you that I'm not the grammar police of this message board. Take it for what it's worth but it would be something that I would appreciate having pointed out to me if I was being grammatically incorrect.
What were the links for the stations that will stream the game?

Khoy wasn't streaming it last week.
Update guys.

Game will not be on Sopcast. The guy who streams from the Blue Star Media broadcasting area will be unavailable.

The guy who provided the torrent for the Broncos game may be providing one for this weeks BSN broadcast. I'll keep an eye on it. If it happens, then I'll post it for download.

The game is also reaired the following day on NFLN. Which may be streamed via sopcast. I'm working on a technique that would allow me to put NFLN on Sopcast. I get NFLN via satellite, and I've never streamed a satellite feed.

I hope I can make it work. If I can you'll get NFLN regularly via my website.

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