Little things that irritate me about the NFL

Things I hate about the NFL (that haven't already been addressed in this thread):

1. That they allow teams like the Lions to continue to exist at all even though they have been so unsuccessful. If a team hasn't made the playoffs (with a winning record) in 10 years then it is disbanded and the owner gets nothing, he just goes away and the players become UFAs.

2. Part time officials. This is a holdover from the Victorian Age and needs to be changed. The NFL has the most complicated and difficult rules in all of sports IMO and requires officials who aren't studying them in their spare time.

3. Rookie salaries. There is a cap but it is meaningless and we end up with guys like Jamarcus Russell getting more than established players. There should be a REAL salary structure for rookies where if you are this pick # then you get this much, period!

3a. I hate when a rookie is taken way below where he was "projected" by Mel Kiper or some other "draft expert" and then they want the money they would have gotten if they had been selected at their "projected" spot. BULL! You were passed over for a reason punk, now be glad that you get to play in the NFL at all. You could always say no thank you and go play soccer or baseball ya pansy!

4. Rules to protect players. You can't tackle this way, you can't lead with your helmet, you can't grab the jersey in this particular way, from this particular angle, yada, yada, yada. The NFL used to be made up of tough men who loved to hit. Now it is a business where the league is trying hard to protect its investments. Bunch of damn pansies!

5. That the league/union doesn't take care of the guys who made the NFL into such a great game in the first place. For a guy like Bob Lilly, the greatest DT to ever play the game, to receive $165 per month in retirement pay is a travesty! That's right people, one-hundred-sixty-five dollars per month! Social Security pays more than that! My grandfather made more than that from his retirement as a tile man and that was over 30 years ago. The NFL is one of the most profitable sports in the world and it is criminal for them to treat their great players this way.

:bang2: :shoot3: :shoot2: :shoot1: :whip: :chainsaw: :chop: :angry: :yousuck:

Other than that, it's a great game. :starspin
dirt;2412061 said:
its a bye week and I cant stand the teams on Monday night so out of boredom thought I would throw out some things that are starting to bug me about the NFL--not the obvious like I think I am beginning to hate almost all the media associated with not only the Cowboys but the league, but the little things like:

1. the red challenge flag. Notice how some coaches give it a good heave; some hold onto it like it is made of fly paper and they cant get it out of their pocket; some kind of just drop it like they are embarrased.

I think that it should be required to be heaved out onto field of play almost to the hash marks. Youre going to challenge a call - act like it, not like you are listening to 10 voices in your head and cant make a decision

2. some helmet logos. I am starting to really question the Titans logo? The shield part is fine, but who thought it was a good idea to add the flames. Does that make the players look faster? Maybe the Steelers should add flames to their logo too?
The Lions logo--being the local team, I have to say their throwback uni's look great but that lion on the side of the regular helmets!!!? From a distance it just looks like a blob or a map of some Polynesian island. Fits with them being the worst franchise in history.

3.Players wearing 3 carat diamond studs during a game. Hey, they make the money and they can do what they want, but dont you just cringe when they pull off their helmets? I just expect once that the stud will snag and fly off. Next thing you know the whole offense will be down on their knees looking in the grass trying to help the guy who lost it

4.Crappy grass fields. I mean it is the NFL. They got enough money. Keep extra rolls of sod around to keep the field between the 20's in top notch shape.

5.Coaches headsets. They look uncomfortable to begin with, but some guys must go through a dozen a year. They yank on them, they twist them, they pull them off to hear something then pull them back on. Maybe something like a bluetooth or that size would suffice. Though I did love back in the day when the headsets where connected by wire and they had some lucky kid in charge of following the coach and keeping the wire free. What a great job that must have been

6.Tony Kornheiser-no wait that guy really irritates me. I find myself screaming "shut up" at the tv when he talks

7. Bellichik and his hoodie and now Sparano and what ever he was wearing yesterday. It looked like a sheet with a couple holes in it. I kind of liked it when some coaches were wearing suits on the sidelines--it was classy. Bellicik looks like he found that thing at the bottom of the Charlie Weiss' laundry--size XXXXXXXXXL

Got any more minor irritants?

Pretty much agree, nice post...but I do like a crappy field now and then. Especially anyone that would have a baseball field in the middle of it.
MrMom;2412763 said:
lmao @ Gumbel.

Yeah, that's the guy.

He prepares himself for every play. If there is a tiny seam that Tomlinson was about to run through, he starts raising his voice just in case he breaks it.

And LaDainian Tomlinson....
Great thread.................
Need more of these this year.
Seriously, something has to be done.

bbgun;2412834 said:
Seriously, something has to be done.


Is that Richard Simmons? :D
superpunk;2412563 said:
I don't remember who did the play by play for the Kansas City-San Diego game, but the guy is insane. Literally every play he acted like the most amazing thing had just happened. If the ball traveled more than 10 yards in the air his voice would build up to a crescendo and then positively explode if it was actually caught.

Calm the hell down, dude.

If you are talking about the radio broadcast, I think the one you are talking about is Josh Lewin. He also does the Texas Rangers game on TV. Lewin was overly loud in that game and his partner had his microphone turned down really low.
what I hate about the NFL, is Philadelphia has a football team, and Los Angeles doesn't...

"Um, Hey NFL...... Hello???"
bbgun;2412834 said:
Seriously, something has to be done.

What's wrong with Hovan? He's a hell of a player and isn't a problem in or out of the locker room.
My biggest complaint is homogeny. Teams used to have distinct styles that made for radically different viewing experiences. Teams may claim different styles of offense and defense, but by and large it's the same stuff known by different names. Every game looks the same.
PaulH1083;2412879 said:
What's wrong with Hovan? He's a hell of a player and isn't a problem in or out of the locker room.

I can almost see his man nips. That's the problem. How is it that the league cracks down on all sorts of uni violations but overlooks this?
bbgun;2412884 said:
I can almost see his man nips. That's the problem. How is it that the league cracks down on all sorts of uni violations but overlooks this?
A lot of OL/DL prefer that cut for their jerseys because it gives them freedom of mobility. I did it when I played.
Sideline "reporters"

Commercials before and after a punt, kickoff, PAT, timeouts, ad nauseum.


Network promos

Bye weeks

talky "color" men who talk about nonfootball matters.

I really dislike the fact that booth reviews within two minutes take forever to be called in. If you are going to have a system where coaches cannot call for a challenge within a certain period of time, then ANY play that looks questionable should be reviewed immediately. I guarantee you Dick Juaron would have thrown a challenge flag on TO's incompletion last year the second he would have had a chance instead of giving us a chance to spike it.
GimmeTheBall!;2412904 said:
Sideline "reporters"

Commercials before and after a punt, kickoff, PAT, timeouts, ad nauseum.


Network promos

Bye weeks

talky "color" men who talk about nonfootball matters.


I REALLY HATE NETWORK PROMOS!!!!!:bang2: :bang2: :bang2:
THUMPER;2412771 said:
5. That the league/union doesn't take care of the guys who made the NFL into such a great game in the first place. For a guy like Bob Lilly, the greatest DT to ever play the game, to receive $165 per month in retirement pay is a travesty!
You assume that Bob Lily was stupid to get into football without knowing he'd play only a relatively few years in the pros and then get a pittance in pension.
When Lily was playing, he was making more than 90 percent of the population. but all good things have to come to an end. In the profession of hitting people, it doesn't last forever.

Like the Don Corleones, he chose his profession. Just like today's NFl players, they choose to be trained for most of their youthful years to play football and not have a scholastic or trades backup plan.

Besides, Lily is now a sensitive guy. He takes bad photos and gets star-struck gallery owners to put up his exhibits.

Hey, Bob, get some technical training (or a second job) if your pension is too small. Jus like the rest of us'uns.
GimmeTheBall!;2412916 said:
THUMPER;2412771 said:
5. That the league/union doesn't take care of the guys who made the NFL into such a great game in the first place. For a guy like Bob Lilly, the greatest DT to ever play the game, to receive $165 per month in retirement pay is a travesty!
You assume that Bob Lily was stupid to get into football without knowing he'd play only a relatively few years in the pros and then get a pittance in pension.
When Lily was playing, he was making more than 90 percent of the population. but all good things have to come to an end. In the profession of hitting people, it doesn't last forever.

Like the Don Corleones, he chose his profession. Just like today's NFl players, they choose to be trained for most of their youthful years to play football and not have a scholastic or trades backup plan.

Besides, Lily is now a sensitive guy. He takes bad photos and gets star-struck gallery owners to put up his exhibits.

Hey, Bob, get some technical training (or a second job) if your pension is too small. Jus like the rest of us'uns.

Lilly isn't hurting financially but a lot of his contemporaries are. My point is that for a guy who played 14 years at the highest level and never missed a game he should be getting a hell of a lot more than a measly $165 a month.

That you missed that tells a lot about you. :rolleyes:
One thing which irritates me about today's NFL is the need for a Hall of Fame ex-player turned head coach to find it necessary to drop his pants and expose his buttocks to his players in order to motivate them to play pro level football. I can't stay the 49ers, but I have a ton of respect for Mike Singletary. It's shameful that he had to go such an extreme to wake up overpaid wussies.
Forward progress.

Used to hate the force-out rule, but that's fixed.

Fumbles: you should be required to hold onto the ball until the whistle blows, period. If you're down but can't hold onto the ball, I don't have much sympathy, and I'm tired of looking at replays of a players knee hitting the ground while the ball comes out.

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