LOL@Ashley Simpson...

DallasCowpoke said:
getting booed after her 1/2-time appearance.

She REALLY should have stuck w/ the "Milli Vanilli" concept, 'cus her "pipes" S U C K!!!

amen, she's just about as big a fraud as her sister. They both blow, and I am glad to witness the failure.
Much of the blame for this fiasco falls upon ABC, which hired this female Gilbert Gottfried to headline the halftime show for college football’s ultimate game
Gilbert Gottfried should sue...

Rude said:
Dang it, I missed it
In fact, here's your chance to see Ashlee's entire performance, screaming and all

And to make this story even more fun, here's a quote her/Jessica's manager (And father) Joe Simpson had to say about both (Note - Joe was ONCE a youth minister in Richardson):

Link (*EDIT - The parts that are **** out, supposed to be a r i z o n a c e n t r a, without the spaces of course. Wonder why this would be blocked out??)

"Jessica never tries to be sexy. She just is sexy. If you put her in a T-shirt or you put her in a bustier, she's sexy in both. She's got double D's! You can't cover those suckers up!"

As for Ashlee, Joe saved her from a fate worse than death: playing a lesbian in her debut film, Wannabe.

"I changed it," Simpson says. "It doesn't work for her to be gay the first thing out. She said, 'But it's cool, it's edgy, it's different,' and, of course, the filmmakers were like, 'It's cool for a woman to be a lesbian,' and I'm like, 'That's true, but not her first role.' She's going to be a huge movie star. She's like Meg Ryan or Cameron Diaz, with probably more depth. When we're done, she'll play it all."
"I changed it," Simpson says. "It doesn't work for her to be gay the first thing out. She said, 'But it's cool, it's edgy, it's different,' and, of course, the filmmakers were like, 'It's cool for a woman to be a lesbian,' and I'm like, 'That's true, but not her first role.' She's going to be a huge movie star. She's like Meg Ryan or Cameron Diaz, with probably more depth. When we're done, she'll play it all."
Ashlee Simpson couldn't play dead...I've heard she is and/or was on "7th Heaven" ....who from that show has done anything other then Jessica Biel ...and that is only cause she is hot and has some big-*** titties...hmmmmm kinnda sounds like Ashlee's sister Jessica....without those tits Jessica is just another Ashlee....just got a shudder thinking about 2 Ashlee's.

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