No, he was getting close lined and speared and crowned. He was taking shots to the head every chance the DB got. He was not allowed to come down and take a step before he got hit.
He played against Cliff Harris and Steve Atwater and Donnie Shell and Ken Easily and Ken Houston and Paul Krause and Mel Renfro and Jack Tatum and Dennis Smith and David Fultcher and last but not least, Ronnie Lott. These are just the safeties.
He had the longest catch streak in the history of the game when he retired and everybody marked him every time they played him because they wanted to break the streak.
You can try to make the point that the athletes are bigger now but you will never convince me of the fact that the game is more physical now, especially for WRs, then it was then.
I'm sure Jones will take some shots because that's what RLW gets paid to do. However, we had better hope that Roy doesn't get matched up one on one with him. I think this kid will take it to the house on a safety.