Loyalty and Pride are demonstrated not through ease or success, but through adversity and trial

They're closer to the number 1 pick overall than a division title.

...and? Is the solution to cry about it? We have been dealt a bad hand this season via a plethora of injuries. The pointing of fingers and destructive blather needs to stop.
Quite sad.
Suddenly everyone associated with the program is a bum.
Untrue. Nobody is calling Romo a bum. In fact, he's the savior if you believe what is being said.

...and? Is the solution to cry about it?

Wait. Message board discussions are about "solutions"? Do tell.

We have been dealt a bad hand this season via a plethora of injuries. The pointing of fingers and destructive blather needs to stop.

How is it "destructive"? People are justifiably upset and it has grown each and every week.

And how does that destroy anything that matters? Does the team get some sort of cosmic vibe from this?

When people are mad, they vent. Not everyone is a zen master like the Lion King guy.
People like you amaze me.

This team has blown THREE straight football games.

For all the excuses they find ways to lose because that's what they do. That's what they've done for TWENTY years in a row.

It's every single year. The same old story. Stephen A is absolutely right when he says they're an accident waiting to happen. They find ways to lose games like no other team in pro sports. They break your heart. They get you to believe they can be something and in a flash they show why they've been mediocre, inept, and an absolute disgrace for the last two decades.

What do you expect fans to do? Just accept mediocrity? We're all passionate about this team and want to see them get back to their winning ways. Yet time and after time they disappoint us and break our hearts. It's so frustrating. I just don't understand why people kill this fan base for WHAT? For wanting things to get back to the way they were in the 90's? It's an absolute disgrace and embarassment how fall this franchise has fallen.

and yea, you know, screaming at people who don't feel like you do is both productive to the cowboys situation and also conveys a wide understanding of different ways to deal with the same situation. i mean, getting upset and taking out the lack of success on other fans, well hey - thats great. the cowboys can't win a game so your new mission is to win an online argument no one really cares about. now i ask you, is that *really* what you're after or is this just more frustration we're *all* feeling coming out?

we *all* would much rather be winning, i'm sure. even risen and alexander. to think otherwise is just a willful ignorance. you think our hearts are not broken also? you think all hearts will break in unison so we can all be heartbroken together in timely fashion?

but i guess that's what makes a forum fun at times, even through the frustrations. if we all sat here and cussed out jones the same way we'd only need 1 zone, wouldn't we? :)
...and? Is the solution to cry about it? We have been dealt a bad hand this season via a plethora of injuries. The pointing of fingers and destructive blather needs to stop.

Crying won't help anymore than cheerleading. This is a message board. . You should expect criticism when you go 0-6 and lose yourself out of contention.
Wait. Message board discussions are about "solutions"? Do tell.
How is it "destructive"? People are justifiably upset and it has grown each and every week. And how does that destroy anything that matters? Does the team get some sort of cosmic vibe from this? When people are mad, they vent. Not everyone is a zen master like the Lion King guy.

Fair enough. I forget my Zen is not shared by all. Vent if you must.
Crying won't help anymore than cheerleading. This is a message board. . You should expect criticism when you go 0-6 and lose yourself out of contention.

The debate over cup half empty or half full is futile. I just prefer to stay positive but the naysayers have the right to vent is true.
Untrue. Nobody is calling Romo a bum. In fact, he's the savior if you believe what is being said.

Wait. Message board discussions are about "solutions"? Do tell.

How is it "destructive"? People are justifiably upset and it has grown each and every week.

And how does that destroy anything that matters? Does the team get some sort of cosmic vibe from this?

When people are mad, they vent. Not everyone is a zen master like the Lion King guy.

What is being destroyed is meaningful discourse here on the zone.

Look around. How many productive threads have been made over the last 3 days?
People like you amaze me.

This team has blown THREE straight football games.

For all the excuses they find ways to lose because that's what they do. That's what they've done for TWENTY years in a row.

It's every single year. The same old story. Stephen A is absolutely right when he says they're an accident waiting to happen. They find ways to lose games like no other team in pro sports. They break your heart. They get you to believe they can be something and in a flash they show why they've been mediocre, inept, and an absolute disgrace for the last two decades.

What do you expect fans to do? Just accept mediocrity? We're all passionate about this team and want to see them get back to their winning ways. Yet time and after time they disappoint us and break our hearts. It's so frustrating. I just don't understand why people kill this fan base for WHAT? For wanting things to get back to the way they were in the 90's? It's an absolute disgrace and embarassment how fall this franchise has fallen.

You lost me at " Stephen A is right "
Could you imagine this forum if it existed in 89? You would see get rid of Aikman and Jimmy Johnson threads all over the place.

That sir, is an eye opening post but you're right. You could even go back to Tom's first few years - it would've been ugly in here.

But - for as bad as it can get the same can be true about not winning a Super Bowl in the "Zone" era. I'm looking forward to seeing the nervousness of younger fans the day of an NFC Championship game and Super Bowl Sunday and the absolute joy of winning those games.

If we were to win a Super Bowl, especially before Tony retires - this place would be great and everybody would feel connected in a very cool way.

However - I'm not getting any younger.
I don't expect fans to "do" anything.

But you'd think the emotional outbursts and tamper tantrums would be things adults have grown out of.

I'm as disappointed as most on this board over the last six weeks yet alone the last two decades. I try to still objectively view the team. You won't see me call everyone associated with the team idiots. You won't see me bad mouth every single player who is out there giving his best. That's not productive. It's not entertaining. And frankly it's not very healthy.

When did I say everyone on this team is an idiot? I said Jerry is one for some of the most moronic decisions he's made even in recent years. Letting Murray walk, not getting a competent backup, refusing to draft a QB, keeping that clown of a coach and his vanilla offense, not getting a safety when we've needed one for years, not drafting a tech when that has been a major weakness for three years now.
That sir, is an eye opening post but you're right. You could even go back to Tom's first few years - it would've been ugly in here.

But - for as bad as it can get the same can be true about not winning a Super Bowl in the "Zone" era. I'm looking forward to seeing the nervousness of younger fans the day of an NFC Championship game and Super Bowl Sunday and the absolute joy of winning those games.

If we were to win a Super Bowl, especially before Tony retires - this place would be great and everybody would feel connected in a very cool way.

However - I'm not getting any younger.

I hear you. I would love the zone to get to experience a SB win. That would be awesome and it would definitely bring people together on here like never before.
Why? This joke of a team deserves all the criticism they get.

they do. the coaches and FO ultimately do. i think our stance is two fold. 1) support the STAR like never before more so in trying times (because the STAR was before Jerry Jones and Jason Carrot and it's history bigger than these two) and 2) call for a change in whatever capacity needed even if its futile.

we don't have to be linear or always one dimensional. like a grey Jedi we can roll both ways.
Pot bangers and pumpers can both be annoying groups. Personally, I don't feel the need to police, shush, or suppress either side, because they impact nothing. The fix is quite simple and accessible to each of us. Of course, if their existence is somehow too much for you, they may not be the problem.
Won't ranting and raving to my fellow fans help improve the team's chances this year? I'm pretty sure that winning is somewhat related to how many times I say they suck.

I know for sure that being an *** hole to my family and kicking the dog is an immediate shot to the team's chances. Need to make the playoffs? Just throw the remote through the flat screen.

It's physics.
Well, as much as we love our team, that doesn't mean that we should live in denial. We suck and all those claims that we are a SB contender are not true, a good team can't depend on a single player to succes. I understand all about the romanticism of being a truly fan, but c'mon, let's be reasonable.

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