Loyalty and Pride are demonstrated not through ease or success, but through adversity and trial

Different people deal with reality in different ways. Some people are confronted with negative circumstances, react with varying degrees and types of emotion, assimilate the negative consequences into their sense of self, and move on. Other people facing negative outcomes have difficulty overcoming their emotional responses for hours, days, years or even longer. People are just wired differently. That's life. Luckily, CowboysZone serves as an interactive outlet or channel for personal anguish. The site is a coping mechanism. That's a good thing because the world is chaotic enough without adding lack of emotional self-management over circumstances beyond human control to the mix.
Different people deal with reality in different ways. Some people are confronted with negative circumstances, react with varying degrees and types of emotion, assimilate the negative consequences into their sense of self, and move on. Other people facing negative outcomes have difficulty overcoming their emotional responses for hours, days, years or even longer. People are just wired differently. That's life. Luckily, CowboysZone serves as an interactive outlet or channel for personal anguish. The site is a coping mechanism. That's a good thing because the world is chaotic enough without adding lack of emotional self-management over circumstances beyond human control to the mix.

well said!
Different people deal with reality in different ways. Some people are confronted with negative circumstances, react with varying degrees and types of emotion, assimilate the negative consequences into their sense of self, and move on. Other people facing negative outcomes have difficulty overcoming their emotional responses for hours, days, years or even longer. People are just wired differently. That's life. Luckily, CowboysZone serves as an interactive outlet or channel for personal anguish. The site is a coping mechanism. That's a good thing because the world is chaotic enough without adding lack of emotional self-management over circumstances beyond human control to the mix.

Excellent post.
Pot bangers and pumpers can both be annoying groups. Personally, I don't feel the need to police, shush, or suppress either side, because they impact nothing. The fix is quite simple and accessible to each of us. Of course, if their existence is somehow too much for you, they may not be the problem.

Another good observation.
Well, as much as we love our team, that doesn't mean that we should live in denial. We suck and all those claims that we are a SB contender are not true, a good team can't depend on a single player to succes. I understand all about the romanticism of being a truly fan, but c'mon, let's be reasonable.

indeed. n agreed. just trying to help put things in perective, back into a balance after all this doom n gloom. but I agree we should not accept mediocrity. I feel we can support our team by having pride in the star Landry built and on ther other hand want more success from the Star that Jerry Jones inherited or bought. The positives of this franchise are bigger than Jerry. and we can all share in that while at the same time wanting this team to show more success on the field then they have this past 20yrs. my fanship of The Cowboys started in the 70s. This ***** bigger than Jerry. He may think he owns it but he doesn't own the foundation. He just owns the new layer. there are many layers and there will be many more.
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Win, lose, or tie... a Dallas Cowboys fan until I die. It amazes me how many "fans" on this board don't seem to reflect that sentiment.
Nobody here has said they were no longer Cowboys fans.
In the wake of the demise of the Cowboys season on Sunday night (not technically I know and props to those who still believe we can find a way!) and in the thick of this current 6 game losing streak... I'd like to take this time to remind us all who are die-hard fans of the Dallas Cowboys about something Bob Strum wrote back in 2008. This has been posted a few times in the past so for some this is a reminder and for some maybe it's new but I figure It needed to be shared again considering what we are going through this season as Cowboys fans...



Cheers to all my fellow Die Hard Cowboy Fans out there! We may disagree at times with each other about different things but we all share that bond developed from a love of the STAR. The best got damn team this side of the milky way bar none!

It's times like these that I make it more of a special point to wear my Cowboys gear around hope some of you all feel the same way. The STAR doesn't hide with the rain. It shines brighter.

Love it man. Down but never out.
When did I say everyone on this team is an idiot? I said Jerry is one for some of the most moronic decisions he's made even in recent years. Letting Murray walk, not getting a competent backup, refusing to draft a QB, keeping that clown of a coach and his vanilla offense, not getting a safety when we've needed one for years, not drafting a tech when that has been a major weakness for three years now.
You agreed with every one of those decisions in the offseason.
Bob you and the kid should no to cry over bigger things. fer Pete's sake.

if you cry over millionaires losing then you loose perspective.
I can count 100 other worse things to cry about. Buk up son and join the FFA or drama club where you can cry with impunity.

Cry me a river :rolleyes:
In the wake of the demise of the Cowboys season on Sunday night (not technically I know and props to those who still believe we can find a way!) and in the thick of this current 6 game losing streak... I'd like to take this time to remind us all who are die-hard fans of the Dallas Cowboys about something Bob Strum wrote back in 2008. This has been posted a few times in the past so for some this is a reminder and for some maybe it's new but I figure It needed to be shared again considering what we are going through this season as Cowboys fans...



Cheers to all my fellow Die Hard Cowboy Fans out there! We may disagree at times with each other about different things but we all share that bond developed from a love of the STAR. The best got damn team this side of the milky way bar none!

It's times like these that I make it more of a special point to wear my Cowboys gear around hope some of you all feel the same way. The STAR doesn't hide with the rain. It shines brighter.

Great post.

When I first became a Cowboys fan..it was because my Dad come home one day and announced he had bought 4 season tickets to the Cowboys playing in the Cotton Bowl.

This was 1965.

My Dad had been in the FBI and we lived in Washington where he had been a devote Commanders fan. He had enjoyed Sammy Baugh and Sam Huff and numerous others while we were in DC and when he retired to Dallas..

he missed the games and bought tickets.

I had never seen anything like a pro football game and we went every Sunday dragging portable seats for the benches and Mom would fix lunches and we would go. I was like 12.

1965 was the first year the team won and went 7-7 and we went to Miami for the Playoff Bowl and we lost to the Colts but I was hooked by then.

I would go out behind the house and throw a football up on the roof and watch the ball bounce crazily off the roof and try to run and catch it as it came of the roof pretending I was Frank Clark or Bob Hayes running under the pass and do this for hours.

The next year..we played the Packers in the 1966 Championship game in the Cotton Bowl. I had gone out for vanity basketball that year and tore up my knee and had an operation and was Ina wheel chair. My Dad got me into the end zone like down at field level to see the game.

I clearly remember seeing us drive down the field and had like 4th down on the 1 yd line when Meredith rolls out right and tries to hit Franke Clarke in the back of the end zone to win the game but it got intercepted and the game ended.

I could clearly see Meredith's eyes on the play and it destroyed me to see us lose.

But after that game..I was a Cowboys Fan for life.

Defeat is always part of the journey.

That's why this season means little to me.

Even in defeat this team has not given up on Garrett and that's what I need to know.
indeed. n agreed. just trying to help put things in perective, back into a balance after all this doom n gloom. but I agree we should not accept mediocrity. I feel we can support our team by having pride in the star Landry built and on ther other hand want more success from the Star that Jerry Jones inherited or bought. The positives of this franchise are bigger than Jerry. and we can all share in that while at the same time wanting this team to show more success on the field then they have this past 20yrs. my fanship of The Cowboys started in the 70s. This ****s bigger than Jerry. He may think he owns it but he doesn't own the foundation. He just owns the new layer. there are many layers and there will be many more.

Great great post

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