There's not a single word here, with the possible exception of "no" that has the slightest thing to do with my post.
IF I were you then, and don't see why and the logic, I'd be very, very afraid of Jack and the Bean Stalk and early musical rhymes.
Ring around the rosie, pocket full of possie, they all fall down...that children sang.
It was only about the Black guy.
Oh, I'm sorry, you are such a football expert...that doesn't excuse your attempt at trying to channel discussion that actually is on target. Just not what you want to be considered as well.
Now squeek up and tell me you don't understand anything...or just get real in one's own posting.
I have been around since the beginnings of both the Cowboys and this board.
Men are judged by their accomplishments, not size!!!!!!!!!!
Go ahead and sneak on out of this discussion...unless you really want for it to carry on. I stated a valid truth.