Madden biased against the Cowboys.

rocyaice;3046543 said:
As in gave the Cowboys the best overall rating in the game? I don't recall that ever happening. But last season they gave the Cowboys a VERY generous overrall rating to the point you can't even complain about it this year. They were one of the top 4 teams rating wise in last seasons game. Better than the NFC Champs.
They were coming off a 13-3 season and had 13 pro bowl players. Wouldn't that be the reason they were rated that high?
CowboyMike;3046623 said:
I actually agree with the poster to a degree. I think they are waiting for Romo to be more consistently good to raise his rating. But I don't believe they pay enough close attention to everything as much as they claim to do. And I do think bias plays into a bit. I believe the Giants are horribly overrated in the game.

Play Madden with the original beginning season ratings, Cowboys vs. Giants, and the Giants pass rush is incredible, but the Cowboys doesn't do a thing. This is after they led the league in sacks last year and were the only ones to truly harass Manning in 2008.

I don't think there's a 3-4D team in Madden that can get consistent pass rush without a 2-3 player blitz. I can never get a pass rush with just sending Ware in a 3-4 package.
pgreptom;3046632 said:
I don't think there's a 3-4D team in Madden that can get consistent pass rush without a 2-3 player blitz. I can never get a pass rush with just sending Ware in a 3-4 package.
Do you allow the game's A.I. to control Ware or do you take control? I rarely allow the game to control him while playing defense.
DallasEast;3046613 said:
My philosophy is that individual attribute assignments should be made according to proper player evaluation before the game's release and then adhered to until the next edition's debut. I have never preferred all the up- or downgrading of personnel as the season progresses.

It's a video game and EA professes to making it as realistic as possible. They could convince me of their commitment in that area by getting it right before the game hits the shelves. That would fill me with more faith in their ability to get it right during the season as well. Just my two cents.

I would think making it as real as possible is exactly why it can change over the season. I don't think they've ever had a case where they rated someone a 73 and the player ended up rated 93 because they got it so wrong.

I have plenty of beefs with the Madden developers, but I think they get as close as they with the information they have. The game is finished before the preseason even starts.
Wow...........We should all get out more.
pgreptom;3046632 said:
I don't think there's a 3-4D team in Madden that can get consistent pass rush without a 2-3 player blitz. I can never get a pass rush with just sending Ware in a 3-4 package.

Against the CPU it's hard to get a decent pass rush even sending 6-7. I find online play quite different though as you don't have to deal with Robo-QB throwing the ball away instantly all the time
pgreptom;3046632 said:
I don't think there's a 3-4D team in Madden that can get consistent pass rush without a 2-3 player blitz. I can never get a pass rush with just sending Ware in a 3-4 package.

Unfortunately that's just a flaw with Madden games for the past several years. The only way to get consistent pressure with a 3-4 D is to manually adjust D-Line and LB players every single play. It's horribly annoying but you simply won't get much pressure if you don't.

The flip side is, if you know what you're doing, you can get some of the most ******** pressure ever, sacking QB's before they can hand the ball off on run plays several times a game. It's lame that it's as easy to do as it is.

Try this for some simple pressure. 3-4 Solid Man coverage play (Sting Pinch works well).

- Call Bump'n'Run
- Pinch your D-Line
- Re-blitz your DT and RDE (Ratliff, Olshansky if you use the boys) straight down
- Bring your your MLB about two to three yards off the line of scrimage, in between Ratliff and Olshanksy, and blitz him straight down.

This will generate amazing A-Gap pressure most of the time.
My Madden has been collecting dust for the last couple of months.

I keep getting screwed with outrageous fumbles so I quit.
TheCount;3046638 said:
I would think making it as real as possible is exactly why it can change over the season. I don't think they've ever had a case where they rated someone a 73 and the player ended up rated 93 because they got it so wrong.

I have plenty of beefs with the Madden developers, but I think they get as close as they with the information they have. The game is finished before the preseason even starts.
We agree to disagree. I do give them a little leniency readjusting rookie attributes during the season, especially if they saw little or no playing time before the regular season. Veterans? Nada. A little more research on the part of the developers would make their initial evaulations much more sound in which to last the entire season.
I hate the 3-4 in Madden, so I just use the Eagles playbook.

Spencer at LDE
Ratliff at LDT
Igor at RDT
Ware at RDE
James at LOLB
Brooking at MLB
Octavien at ROLB

Ware at DE should be illegal. It's like playing tag with the QB. :lmao:
CATCH17;3046647 said:
My Madden has been collecting dust for the last couple of months.

I keep getting screwed with outrageous fumbles so I quit.
My pet peeve has been the crazy caroms on pass plays. It's really frustrating to call the perfect defense, have the defensive backs in the right positions, not catch the pass and see the ball consistency bounce off two, three or more defenders before falling in the hands of a receiver. Happens more often than not for me.
DallasEast;3046655 said:
My pet peeve has been the crazy caroms on pass plays. It's really frustrating to call the perfect defense, have the defensive backs in the right positions, not catch the pass and see the ball consistency bounce off two, three or more defenders before falling in the hands of a receiver. Happens more often than not for me.

Oh i've had Witten fumble so many times for me.

Miles Austin too.

People like to run drag routes on that game and its hard to run a zone for those type of routes.

But the main reason I quit is because of the fumbles. I'll get up 14-0 on someone and the screw jobs begin.
Teren_Kanan;3046473 said:
For 14 years or more Madden has been biased IN FAVOR of the cowboys, even during our ****tiest years our players always had slightly higher than they should have stats.

I think maybe you are biased tbh. I roll with the Cowboys in Madden at all times, but you gotta figure they don't change the stats drastically ever, and it's originally based off of last years performance.

If they dropped points every time a QB had a bad game or 2, Romo's stats would hardly ever raise, as he has a trend of having a couple bad games at a time, followed by good games. If Eli continues to regress, his stats will drop, they shouldn't drop after two bad games, unless he does it consistently.

Austin has had 2 break out games, so his stats went up, if he continues to lead the Cowboys receiving core, they will continue to do so. Williams hasn't done **** all year, injured or not, so his stats will start to go down, and continue to do so until he proves otherwise.

Crayton lost his starting job at reciever and punt returner (tho Rossum got injured so he is still there), so his stats went down.

I think the stats are very reasonable this year, a few could be higher, a few could be lower based off of potential, but they will be adjusted throughout the season. The Madden team generally does a good job in the stat catagory.
FALSE. The Cowboys have been consistently bad on Madden.
Future;3046711 said:
FALSE. The Cowboys have been consistently bad on Madden.
The team's overall rating for Madden NFL 09 was not bad. It wasn't even average. It was very good in fact. Was it the best in the game? No, but it should have been either.
The overall rating in Madden 10 is about right they've just missed on a few players Ken Hamlin is far to high, Sensebaugh is far to low, Jenkins is kinda low but he'll be adjusted up if he keeps playing well.

The only thing that annoys me is that they lower Romo's rating every time he has a bad game but they don't hold every other QB to the same standard.
DallasEast;3046655 said:
My pet peeve has been the crazy caroms on pass plays. It's really frustrating to call the perfect defense, have the defensive backs in the right positions, not catch the pass and see the ball consistency bounce off two, three or more defenders before falling in the hands of a receiver. Happens more often than not for me.

I have a similar problem. Too many balls go through the hands of the receivers and end up caught by the defender behind him.

It just seems like when you turn the difficulty up, rather than making things challenging the game just starts cheating.

I won't even get into the superhuman 2 minute drill the cpu always runs.
DallasEast;3046724 said:
The team's overall rating for Madden NFL 09 was not bad. It wasn't even average. It was very good in fact. Was it the best in the game? No, but it should have been either.

The developers are already on record as saying the initial overall team rating is arbritrary. It's not based entirely on the players on the roster.

I read an interview where the guy responsible for setting them was talking about how they tried basing it off the players but it never really worked out the way you'd expect, so I wouldn't get too caught up in that.

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