PBJTime;2839568 said:
Man, this has taken an awfully strange turn. Some people like to debate semantics, that's fine. The real issue here is that there is only one choice of an NFL game to play. That is bad, because EA doesn't have to improve their game by much at all every year. They can just repackage last years game, with a few tweaks and call it new, knowing that most football fans will buy it, having no other alternative. (Save me the argument that not buying is an alternative.) Of course that is a choice, but that is not the issue here. I think that's clear.
Again, the issue I have is that this is the only choice of NFL game to play. Arguing whether I have the choice of playing (purchasing) or not playing (not purchasing) is sort of a red herring.
Thank you, I'm glad someone finally got the point I was trying to make rather than argue semantics, as you said.
If you can't come into a discussion and put your personal tastes aside than there is really no point in arguing with anyone. Because no matter what, you'll see others as "EA Haters" and defend them til the bitter end.
I'm not necessarily an EA Hater. I'm just of the opinion that when you give no other alternatives to something as huge as an authentic football game, you hurt the consumer. You've backed consumers into a wall and more or less told them "If you want to play licensed football, play Madden, or nothing" and therefore your choice is to play Madden, or NOTHING.
Obviously, if you want real teams with real players you have to play Madden.
My analogy wasn't comparing real life to a video game. The argument was, no matter how much you don't want to eat that horse, if you want to survive, you have to eat it.
If you want to play a real football game, no matter if the game has improved from last year or not, you've gotta play Madden. The competition has been removed and EA holds the keys.
So instead of sitting there and lecturing me on what a choice is, why not do the logical thing and try and realize that I'm making a point here, an obvious one, THERE ARE NO OTHER AUTHENTIC FOOTBALL GAMES DUE TO EA/NFL.
I don't care who is responsible, the NFL or EA. It's bad for consumers. And you're really foolish to believe that someone isn't going to watch an NFL game due to who is broadcasting it. Very, very foolish. I can concede there is a difference, but that difference isn't going to stop 99% of football fans from watching a game they want to watch. Apparently you fall into the 1% range (Peplaw).
So suppose I like the way ABC covers a game better than say, the NFL network. That preference is fine, that's a matter of taste. But it almost in no way impacts the GAME itself. The teams control the kind of football you're going to watch, the quality of the game.
There are no other alternatives to Madden, so whether I dislike that feature, or this feature, I cannot 'choose' another licensed football game because, guess what? There are none. I think there is hope for Madden, now that Ian and Josh are on the team (HC 09 guys).
You continue to argue the semantics, I'll continue to argue the issues that people really care about.