Plenty to take from it. Are they doing what they are supposed to do. Are they grasping all what is being thrown at them. A way to get the basic concepts down, as well as the play calls and signals and terminology.
So when they get to TC that part of the learning curve is over.
You asked our opinion and that's my opinion...
We'll know more in actual training camp,
the only people I'm curious about are Trayvon diggs and overshown how their actual rehabs doing, will they be on lines on the side will they actually be participating at full speed ,because walking in shorts or jogging and catching one handed passes and this goes for all over the NFL, I'm hearing the reporting of all these young quarterbacks about to blow up on the scene and the Chicago Bears are going to the playoffs, best young rookie QBs ever!! because of some short wearing half speed walkthroughs...LOL
it just reminds me of stuff like Prescott being ripped apart because of the accuracy contest even though they did well that one with David Carr whatever his name was pointing out Prescott and then the next season point out Prescott's all his interceptions last year and practice and camp which was all nonsense it turns out they were all wrong what we're seeing with our eyes during these barely can be called practice can be very deceiving....
We've even seen this in training camp guys like Kamara and some of their wide receivers just tearing it up everyone's looking for a big season and what are they doing their regular season absolutely nothing..LOL MEH