Let see.
Darren McFadden Highlight Video
As you will see, Mr. McFadden breaks exactly (1) tackle and is able to keep running throughout the entire video. If there is contact, McFadden goes down or out of bounds within 2-3 yards. All the other runs, nobody got more than a finger tip on him. Well, my friend. That won't happen in the NFL because the NFL is much faster. The lowliest team in the NFL (Raiders/Browns/whomever you wish) would route Auburn Tigers any probably any other college team.
Adrian Peterson Highlight Video
As you can see Peterson not only out runs player like McFadden, but he runs them over, breaks arm tackles, can drag players 5,6,7 even 10 yards before he goes down.
Peterson can catch like a receiver! Does McFadden? Not like a receiver he doesn't. Just watch the first few minutes of
this video.
I think McFadden is a great running back, but he is bush-league compared to Peterson.
DallasEast ask if I watched SEC games, I ask him if he watched Big12 games.
Peterson > McFadden