Maller: Rumors & Notes 7/20/07

ABQCOWBOY;1557278 said:
I was thinking exactly the same thing last night. Comparisons of these two seem odd. One can't wait to find anything at all in which to hang you. The other would rather go fishing as opposed to serving a warrent.


fishing is fun
GimmeTheBall!;1557268 said:
Comparing Poindexter and Nifong is faulty.

Nifong was guilty of being overzealous.
Poindexter just sat on his hands and, earlier on, implied that Vick was being prosecuted because he was black and a celebrity. So his legal brethren and the rest of the world inferred that Pointy was wacko.

I just meant that something wasn't right (smelled Nifong), not necessarily that they were the same.

Nifong was overzealous because he was trying to get re-elected. Something about Poindexter smacks of an ulterior motive as well, which is why I made the comment.
ABQCOWBOY;1557278 said:
I was thinking exactly the same thing last night. Comparisons of these two seem odd. One can't wait to find anything at all in which to hang you. The other would rather go fishing as opposed to serving a warrent.


I do the the comparison as valid, but is a very general way. Not at all in specific action, just in a 'something is fishy about the way he's acting, and before all is said and done, there may be some legal troubles.'

It's totally unsubstantiated on my part, but my early reaction to Poindexter's actions at the start of this was to think he'd gotten a bribe to try and make it go away.

again...TOTALLY UNSUBSTANTIATED, but it just feels like Poindexter is an 'anti-Nifong' but in a equivalently corrupt way.
ABQCOWBOY;1557251 said:
Silverrado, but could have been used by the Judge. It would certainly be his vinacular. :laugh2:
Oh that's right, Dennehy did say that.
Erik_H;1557303 said:
I do the the comparison as valid, but is a very general way. Not at all in specific action, just in a 'something is fishy about the way he's acting, and before all is said and done, there may be some legal troubles.'

It's totally unsubstantiated on my part, but my early reaction to Poindexter's actions at the start of this was to think he'd gotten a bribe to try and make it go away.

again...TOTALLY UNSUBSTANTIATED, but it just feels like Poindexter is an 'anti-Nifong' but in a equivalently corrupt way.

You got my vote on that one. Then again, when Mulder told Scully "There's something out there.", I believed him too so.........
THUMPER;1557134 said:
Evidently, no one wanted to see his buttcrack. :eek:

Hey we don't speak like that around here young man. It should be...

Evidently, no one wanted to see his plumber butt. :eek:

Cajuncowboy;1557146 said:
At my church we have one of the most culturally diverse congregations in Nashville area. We have a couple of teenage boys who wear their pants a bit saggy and they are white. Funny thing is that my daughter says that the black teens kinda joke with those guys because they don't have pants that fit them.

To be honest, I really didn't see this as a black/white thing. I saw it as a guy with a lot of money who couldn't find pants to fit him. :laugh2:
My 16 year old son is still talking in a high voice from the last time I saw his pants sagging and helped him pull them up.
joseephuss;1557129 said:
Did someone ask that on this board?

I was having dinner with some friends. Their teenage daughter was home with a few of her friends. All the guys had saggy pants and none of them were black.

My nephew is 21 and white as can be.

His boxers are on constant display.

Bad taste is generally contained to the young:)~

BTW, yes I sagged too as a teenager hahaha/
dump this romo fellow and let's sign TIM COUCH... i mean Romo was undrafted and Couch was the #1 overall pick, that means Couch is better right?
Teague31;1557830 said:
dump this romo fellow and let's sign TIM COUCH... i mean Romo was undrafted and Couch was the #1 overall pick, that means Couch is better right?

you got it bobby
dargonking999;1557283 said:
I had a man in my neighborhood, "claim" that i raped his daughter. I had his next door neighbor "claim" that i was at the house at 8PM the night of the rape. Unfortunately for them, i was at a party downtown with about 150 witness saying i was there.

maybe the dude read your "location" under your avatar and assumed it was you :)
dargonking999;1557283 said:
I still don't understand why everyone wants the NFL to sack Vick

did we just not go through this whole Duke fiasco?

Vick has had no prior relations with the cops.

Unlike Henry and Pacman who accounted for way to many arrests in just what two years?

Tank was convicted and sentenced to jail prior to his punishment

And again these were repeat offenders.

Right now, all we have is hearsay, all i have seen is witness "claiming" things.

I had a man in my neighborhood, "claim" that i raped his daughter. I had his next door neighbor "claim" that i was at the house at 8PM the night of the rape. Unfortunately for them, i was at a party downtown with about 150 witness saying i was there.

until the NFL receives all the facts and information about this case, and the courts make their ruling. There is no need to punish Vick.

too many times, the court of public opinion has let the act of a heinous crime rob them of proper judgement, and reason. If he did commit this heinous atroscity, then he should be punished accordingly. But until then, we need to practice patience.

He is of no threat to anyone. He's not leaving the country, he's not gonna be killing more dogs. Why do we need to rush this, and make mistakes that could possibly imprison a innocent man?

I could care less if he was Vick, the superstar, or Vick the joe blow homo. We should rob him of his rights just because he's famous.

thank you and have a nice day.

Well Vick may not have a record per say, but he has had his run-ins with the cops, and trouble.

1. The whole Ron Mexico fiasco, which was settled out of court for an undisclosed amount. To me aside from the Dog fighting this is the worst thing he has done. To knowingly have a contagious disease, and then to take the risk of spreading it someone else under a false name is pretty bad.
2. The water bottle with a mystery compartment, which may or may not have been anything. But put yourself in bad situations and bad things will happen.
3. Making obscene gestures towards the crowd at the Georgia Dome.

Depending on the outcome of the trial, for a great example of his character look at how quick he was to throw others(cousin) under the bus.

Now I see these events as enough of a black eye for the league that a 1-2 game suspension/fine and more pending the results of the trial are warranted. If this were a player with a truly clean record then the "wait and see" approach would be correct, but Vick as done enough IMO to warrant a suspension or fine at this time.

Just my $0.02
CowboysFan02;1558049 said:
Well Vick may not have a record per say, but he has had his run-ins with the cops, and trouble.

1. The whole Ron Mexico fiasco, which was settled out of court for an undisclosed amount. To me aside from the Dog fighting this is the worst thing he has done. To knowingly have a contagious disease, and then to take the risk of spreading it someone else under a false name is pretty bad.
2. The water bottle with a mystery compartment, which may or may not have been anything. But put yourself in bad situations and bad things will happen.
3. Making obscene gestures towards the crowd at the Georgia Dome.

Depending on the outcome of the trial, for a great example of his character look at how quick he was to throw others(cousin) under the bus.

Now I see these events as enough of a black eye for the league that a 1-2 game suspension/fine and more pending the results of the trial are warranted. If this were a player with a truly clean record then the "wait and see" approach would be correct, but Vick as done enough IMO to warrant a suspension or fine at this time.

Just my $0.02
I can see the point you are trying to make. But if you give Vick a 1-2 game suspension NOW then that would be the end of the matter for the NFL since he would have already received his punishment. It would be unfair to punish him again for the same offense should he be found guilty of something even worse than what we all now suspect. The Commish would essentially be tying his own hands by having acted too quickly.

If Goodell handed down a second punishment after the trial then Vick and his lawyers would have good grounds for an appeal. I realize that the appeal of Goodell's decision would be made to Goodell himself but this also plays in the court of public opinion and Goodell's action will be on trial there as well. Far better to let it run its course in court and then hand out one punishment (suspension or fine or some combination thereof) of a severity sufficient to deal with all of his transgressions.

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