Man With Gun Caught Before Recreating TDKR Massacre

CanadianCowboysFan;4653300 said:
problem with that of course is that you could end up with firefights all over the place and possibly more innocents getting hit in the cross fire

That is true. The thing is, gun laws are for honest people. Criminals are going to get their weapons regardless. The only other solution that I can think of would be to amp of the security and have armed officers walking around at every public venue. I'm not a fan of that solution either, but something has to be done.
JonJon;4653320 said:
That is true. The thing is, gun laws are for honest people. Criminals are going to get their weapons regardless. The only other solution that I can think of would be to amp of the security and have armed officers walking around at every public venue. I'm not a fan of that solution either, but something has to be done.

remember the old adage, those that would give up rights for freedom/security deserve neither.
CanadianCowboysFan;4653284 said:
but he wasn't searched by the staff, it was off duty cop who decided he was "suspicious" for what appears to be no good reason other than getting to a movie early (gasp) and sitting in the back row (gasp again).

Carrying big bag into movie theater = suspicious. No need whatsoever to carry a big bag there.

that being said, if the guy was so afraid of being shot at a a movie theatre that he had to arm himself to go, then he should just stay home and do what the guy in Captain Jack by Billy Joel did when his sister was on a date.

Can't argue with this logic!

Cowboys&LakersFan;4653001 said:
Thanks to heartless clowns like this I am literally scared to go to the movies.
StevenOtero;4653018 said:
Anything like this can happen anywhere at anytime, don't let some idiots win by living your life in fear.
Excellent advice.
Just putting this out there: banning guns is the laziest way of dealing with these issues. It's something that goes much deeper than taking away a weapon that most people know how to use responsibly.

Illegal drugs are banned and look how effective that is.
JonJon;4653245 said:
I'm seriously considering getting a gun permit and carry one on me at all times. I don't plan to do anything bad, but I want to be protected from morons like this guy. I think we will begin to see more and more people walking around with guns because of incidents like this. There's no need in only crazy people walking around with guns.

It's difficult with a CWP to carry into public places. Depends on the state law. Just Google CWP and your state. There are also Federal laws which supercede state law making it illegal to carry like the Post Office, any Federal bldg, yada.
stasheroo;4653386 said:
Carrying big bag into movie theater = suspicious. No need whatsoever to carry a big bag there.

Can't argue with this logic!


So all purses should be baned now? You are rolling today. A mind reader that wants to ban self defense weapons and now purses.

Can't argue with that logic!
:shoot2: :shoot1:

Police have identified the man as Scott Smith.


The officer asked to search his bag, and Smith complied, without incident. Inside the bag were a loaded 9 mm Glock handgun, two additional loaded magazines and two knives.


Investigators said Tuesday Smith does not have a permit to carry a concealed weapon, and are also looking into whether he was on medication that would preclude him from owning guns.


Nunley also said the theater chain has signs clearly posted in all their theaters, alerting customers that Regal reserves the right to inspect the contents of any backpack, package or bag.
JBond;4653511 said:
So all purses should be baned now? You are rolling today. A mind reader that wants to ban self defense weapons and now purses.

Can't argue with that logic!
:shoot2: :shoot1:

'It's not a purse, it's Eurpoean!'


Don't remember where I said banned.

I said searched.

And for somebody screaming about freedoms, he has the freedom to boycott such practices by keeping himself and his money at home.

joseephuss;4653526 said:
Nunley also said the theater chain has signs clearly posted in all their theaters, alerting customers that Regal reserves the right to inspect the contents of any backpack, package or bag.

How dare they!

Attica! Attica!


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