Manson Denied Parole... Of Course

Cajuncowboy;4504628 said:
I think I read somewhere that he has only been free for about a total of 15 years of his life when you take into account the orphanages, youth detention and prison. It is the only life he knows so probably he didn't want out.

Yeah the whole institutionalized type of thing is there IMO (think shawshank redemption for those that don't get what I am saying)...however I also think there is something there that he knows that if he ever got out he would do something again and part of him does not want to.

There have been cases in the past where some prisoners time was up and they asked to stay because they were afraid they would go out and do something again...only to be let out because the sentence time was up and indeed did go out and do bad things again.

There are also reports or theories that basically say that some killers do things make them get caught. By that I mean they want to get caught even though they may not realize it.
BrAinPaiNt;4504623 said:
Let's get this back on topic.

I have always believed that Manson never wanted out of jail.

I think some of his followers did because of various reasons but never believed that charlie wanted out of jail.

I try not to worry myself with the thought processes of psychotic sociopaths. I tend to believe that any of the numerous evil and strange things he has done both in and out of prison should simply be chalked up to him being a nutcase.

Besides, I don't think there was ever any ACTUAL chance of him getting parole regardless.
The30YardSlant;4504633 said:
I try not to worry myself with the thought processes of psychotic sociopaths. I tend to believe that any of the numerous evil and strange things he has done both in and out of prison should simply be chalked up to him being a nutcase.

Besides, I don't think there was ever any ACTUAL chance of him getting parole regardless.

No there is no chance...He did not even report to his parole hearing this time because either he did not really want out or he was not going to waste his time because he knew he would not get out.
There was a documentary/short story about the Manson family on History a year or so back which detailed that week leading up to the Tate murders.

The influence he had on those girls was absolutely chilling. It literally had me thinking about it for a couple days after.

Many of you may know this, but the house owned by Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski was previously owned by a record-label manager that was approached several times by Manson.

Evidently, the psycho played some music and thought he was pretty good. The manager blew him off. Apparently, some think he thought the house was cursed and had his family take out anyone that lived there.

The30YardSlant;4504603 said:
70% of your country is an inhospitable ice shelf, it takes 18 months to get a knee replacement and you were founded by the French. We win. :)

yea, lord knows we never needed the french.
The30YardSlant;4504609 said:
What's silly is your insistance on always being contrarian and refusing to accept that not everyone is as morally inconsistent as you are.

didn't you just the other day say something to the effect "if you don't think like me on ware being #1 you're wrong"?
Aikmaniac;4504658 said:
There was a documentary/short story about the Manson family on History a year or so back which detailed that week leading up to the Tate murders.

The influence he had on those girls was absolutely chilling. It literally had me thinking about it for a couple days after.

Many of you may know this, but the house owned by Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski was previously owned by a record-label manager that was approached several times by Manson.

Evidently, the psycho played some music and thought he was pretty good. The manager blew him off. Apparently, some think he thought the house was cursed and had his family take out anyone that lived there.


My understanding is that he sent them to that house because he thought the producer was still there and they just happened to be the ones there. I guess Manson didn't know he moved.
Aikmaniac;4504658 said:
There was a documentary/short story about the Manson family on History a year or so back which detailed that week leading up to the Tate murders.

The influence he had on those girls was absolutely chilling. It literally had me thinking about it for a couple days after.

Many of you may know this, but the house owned by Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski was previously owned by a record-label manager that was approached several times by Manson.

Evidently, the psycho played some music and thought he was pretty good. The manager blew him off. Apparently, some think he thought the house was cursed and had his family take out anyone that lived there.


You can start a cult if you have 3-4 very loyal people who will obey everything you say in front of your recruits until you gather a large enough following.

OT but the social interaction side of things is pretty crazy.
Hoofbite;4504685 said:
You can start a cult if you have 3-4 very loyal people who will obey everything you say in front of your recruits until you gather a large enough following.

OT but the social interaction side of things is pretty crazy.

same thing expressed by todays methods.

doesn't change the message.
iceberg;4504667 said:
didn't you just the other day say something to the effect "if you don't think like me on ware being #1 you're wrong"?

What does that have to do with anything? I wasnt being contrarian, hell most everyone agreed with me.
The30YardSlant;4504726 said:
What does that have to do with anything? I wasnt being contrarian, hell most everyone agreed with me.

Aikmaniac;4504658 said:
There was a documentary/short story about the Manson family on History a year or so back which detailed that week leading up to the Tate murders.

The influence he had on those girls was absolutely chilling. It literally had me thinking about it for a couple days after.

Many of you may know this, but the house owned by Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski was previously owned by a record-label manager that was approached several times by Manson.

Evidently, the psycho played some music and thought he was pretty good. The manager blew him off. Apparently, some think he thought the house was cursed and had his family take out anyone that lived there.

Yeah, Dennis Wilson of the Beach Boys introduced Manson to Rudy Altobelli and Terry Melcher. Melcher is Doris Day's son. Both had lived at that address and Manson had been there before. There was even a report of Sharon Tate having seen Manson when he came looking for Melcher one time.

Manson believed the Beatles White Album was talking to him and he needed to start a race war. He got these kids hopped up on LSD, told them his name was Charles Willis Manson, then split his middle name in Will Is, and his last name to Mans Son, so that his name said Charles Will is Mans Son. They literally believed he was the son of God.

They were so into his music, sermons, and philosophies that he could literally order them to do anything. He organized huge LSD induced orgies where he chose who was being partners with who during the sex and even had homosexual relations during these orgies to show them that nothing was wrong.

These lost, impressionable kids were being fed drugs and lies about him and they convinced themselves that this guy was a savior of sorts. Charlie is Love. They would do anything for him.

It absolutely is one of the most chilling episodes in our History. The weird thing is Charlie has a whole new generation of followers who weren't even alive when all of this was happening.

Basically he preyed upon people whose lives were in a type of turmoil and told them there was no right and wrong, and then he went out of his way to be everything to them and they followed, wanting even yearning for it all to be true so that they mattered.

Classic brainwashing.
Cajuncowboy;4504678 said:
My understanding is that he sent them to that house because he thought the producer was still there and they just happened to be the ones there. I guess Manson didn't know he moved.
Actually Manson did know. He went to the house and Sharon Tate saw him. He talked to Rudy Altobelli himself at the guest house where William Garrettson was living. Altobelli told him Melcher no longer lived there.

Sharon Tate saw Manson, but to my knowledge he never saw her in his life.

The30YardSlant;4504603 said:
70% of your country is an inhospitable ice shelf, it takes 18 months to get a knee replacement and you were founded by the French. We win. :)


The30YardSlant;4504609 said:
What's silly is your insistance on always being contrarian and refusing to accept that not everyone is as morally inconsistent as you are.


Cajuncowboy;4504610 said:
That's why your PM came here to get a new heart. LOL!

What a system you got up there.
Hostile;4504810 said:
Classic brainwashing.

I don't buy the brainwashing stuff. They had the power to leave and they chose not to. Further, they choose to follow the nut of their own accord before they even got to the compound where all of this was to take place. Even during the Lobianco murders, one of the women said she knew what they were doing was wrong so she wasn't under some kind of spell where she didn't know right from wrong. I don't view the killers as a bunch of mixed up crazy kids. They are what they are. Killers.


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