News: Mark Lane Passed Away

Wow. I’m shocked . He was so young . I had no idea he had such serious health condition.

Most of us from the Dallas fan forum knew him as The Emperor. He was a very knowledgeable and passionate fan. We became friends when he begun an internet show which I called in on. He loved seeing my Man Cave which is dominated by Cowboys memorabilia.

This personal contact ended a battle we had for years on the site as I attacked our owner. And he basically defended any criticism against the Cowboys . We eventually had an understanding once he realized I wasn’t a Troll, just a very frustrated Diehard fan.

I had followed him once he moved to Texas and became a writer for bloggin the boys which I have another acquaintance who writes for them . I didn’t realize he had contact with John McClain who is from Centex and longtime respected sportswriter for Houston Chronicle .

Thanks to our most excellent administrator and owner for sharing all of the Tweets . Very informative . RIP
I am stunned. Can't believe Emp is gone. Way too soon. Sad to hear he passed away due to ailing health issues with his lungs and childhood cancer. He and I used to get after each other in the old forums. lol He fought and defended Romo until the very end, but he always was a true diehard Cowboys fan. His YouTube show was very entertaining (Cowboys Imperial Report). He and I eventually became good friends, but I lost touch with him around 2017. Going to miss him. Much love brother. Rest in Heaven.

I used to love watching his Imperial reports!!! I first met Mark in 2008 when a group of us Cowboys fans made a trip to Dallas to watch a game in the final season at Texas Stadium. If I remember correctly, I believe that was the first Cowboys game he attended, so he was very excited! I remember during that trip, Mark met my daughter, who was in high school at the time and she was dating someone who was an Eagles' fan. He was so disappointed and kept asking her, "how could you date an egals fan of all things?". LOL
Prior to meeting him in person, l knew him from the Dallas Cowboys forums/blogs. I never knew anyone else who could recite obscure facts about the Cowboys as Mark did. I called him the Cowboys Rain Man!! I encountered him a couple other times through the years, and every time I saw him, he was the so nice and polite. I also called him my "cutie patootie". I'm still having a hard time believing he's gone.
So young. Sucks. Rest easy Mark.

Probably you and I and a couple others know what MAM ment I believe it was short for Marcus Aurelius Maximus.

I was Rawhide 74 way back then and I believe he liked TO also correct me if I'm wrong.

I remember having a real donnybrook with him over TO leading the league in drops one year.
(In bold ^^^): Wow, it makes sense!!! I knew you sounded so familiar all of these years on CZ. So glad it's you, Rawhide 74! I mean @Blackrain brother.

As for Emp, yes, he definitely loved TO as well!
I used to love watching his Imperial reports!!! I first met Mark in 2008 when a group of us Cowboys fans made a trip to Dallas to watch a game in the final season at Texas Stadium. If I remember correctly, I believe that was the first Cowboys game he attended, so he was very excited! I remember during that trip, Mark met my daughter, who was in high school at the time and she was dating someone who was an Eagles' fan. He was so disappointed and kept asking her, "how could you date an egals fan of all things?". LOL
Prior to meeting him in person, l knew him from the Dallas Cowboys forums/blogs. I never knew anyone else who could recite obscure facts about the Cowboys as Mark did. I called him the Cowboys Rain Man!! I encountered him a couple other times through the years, and every time I saw him, he was the so nice and polite. I also called him my "cutie patootie". I'm still having a hard time believing he's gone.
Wow, thank you for sharing @maryquality ! Emp (Mark) was truly awesome getting to know. Lol, yes, he was the Cowboys Rain Man! Amazing how he knew everything about Cowboys history. His YouTube show was awesome! Definitely missing him and a few others from the old boards. May they rest in peace.
Sorry to hear of his passing.He was a truly devoted Cowboys Fan with great passion and knowledge of their History.Remember a discussion with him about the Great Older Cowboys Players(Rayfield Wright,Bob Hayes,Chuck Howley,Cliff Harris) and hoping they would be in the Hall Of Fame and the Sports Writer John McClain's agreeing with our take on it.
My Sympathy to His Family and May he Rest In Peace.
I used to love watching his Imperial reports!!! I first met Mark in 2008 when a group of us Cowboys fans made a trip to Dallas to watch a game in the final season at Texas Stadium. If I remember correctly, I believe that was the first Cowboys game he attended, so he was very excited! I remember during that trip, Mark met my daughter, who was in high school at the time and she was dating someone who was an Eagles' fan. He was so disappointed and kept asking her, "how could you date an egals fan of all things?". LOL
Prior to meeting him in person, l knew him from the Dallas Cowboys forums/blogs. I never knew anyone else who could recite obscure facts about the Cowboys as Mark did. I called him the Cowboys Rain Man!! I encountered him a couple other times through the years, and every time I saw him, he was the so nice and polite. I also called him my "cutie patootie". I'm still having a hard time believing he's gone.
Well said, maryquality.

RIP Mark. Emperor, Prayers for you and your family. I was on his podcast as a special guest many times. We would talk about Cowboys. He had a co host for a while that had past away. He eventually moved on and still did Cowboys coverage but also had a conservative radio show. Lost touch with him. Dang.
Wow. I’m shocked . He was so young . I had no idea he had such serious health condition.

Most of us from the Dallas fan forum knew him as The Emperor. He was a very knowledgeable and passionate fan. We became friends when he begun an internet show which I called in on. He loved seeing my Man Cave which is dominated by Cowboys memorabilia.

This personal contact ended a battle we had for years on the site as I attacked our owner. And he basically defended any criticism against the Cowboys . We eventually had an understanding once he realized I wasn’t a Troll, just a very frustrated Diehard fan.

I had followed him once he moved to Texas and became a writer for bloggin the boys which I have another acquaintance who writes for them . I didn’t realize he had contact with John McClain who is from Centex and longtime respected sportswriter for Houston Chronicle .

Thanks to our most excellent administrator and owner for sharing all of the Tweets . Very informative . RIP
I think I remember seeing pictures of your man cave. He had an internet podcast he would post the time on the old site. I would often call in. He had a co host that loved Jack Daniels that past away and a while later Mark was stopping that and was moving on to continue to write for Cowboys but was doing a radio show that was political. He was excited. He was going to interview players and do his passions.
The Emporer (Emp) used to be on the official cowboys forum years ago and used to post videos. He used to get in many heated discussions as well because he lived and breathed Cowboys. I know first-hand because as a mod on that site, I had many discussions with him.

RIP Emp.
Yeah, I loved reading Mark's posts. I also remember you and Ksk. That is sad losing such a great guy.

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