I don't pretend to know exactly what Garrett is trying to do offensively, but if it is according to what they ran in Dallas in the 90's then I know it is a timing based offense.
If that is the case, then the QB is supposed to make his reads, and the ball goes out quickly, on timing, on the 3rd, 5th or 7th step drop. Watch how Aikman ran it, WATCH PHILIP RIVERS right now running it in San Diego. It is a get the ball out fast offense.
I think that Tony Romo doesn't see the field that well, and I don't think he gets the ball out as fast as he should. His great success last year involved many, many times when he could stand back there forever until he found a guy. This year he didn't have the luxury and he didn't know where to go with the ball.
We will see. I know what I'm saying isn't popular, and I know everyone wants to believe its Garrett. Time will tell.