Reality;3450429 said:
If kids have poor families then the universities need to work with the NCAA to help take care of the families ..
Most of the athletes that take money do not do it primarily for their "poor" families .. of course that's the excuse they throw out there once caught .. instead they do it because they want the money for nice cars, expensive clothes, etc.
The poor families of those kids survived 18 years and I see no reason they cannot survive another 3-4 years until their son can make a lot of money.
I disagree.
It's not the universities responsibility to provide for a family simply because a kid is a very talented athlete.
Kids with academic scholarships aren't given the world plus a free pass.
These athletes are given nearly everything. Tuition, books, housing, meals, private tutoring and everything else.
If you start making kids a meal ticket more than they already are, more and more kids will be forced through with inadequate educations and will be taken advantage of down the line.
Anyone who thinks the big schools aren't taking care of the athletes financially is fooling themselves. I've seen big name athletes driving around in cars they have no reason driving.
Keep the payments behind the scenes like they currently are.