Mass Bans Bake Sales, Attempts Same on Candy Fund Raisers...


rock music matters
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rkell87;4553426 said:
this is where you misunderstood the article

no. it's where he "ok'd" governing simple activities.

**** and eat a cupcake lastnordiq.


rock music matters
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all of this - ALL OF THIS - is "you give an inch they take a mile".

suddenly simple things are life or death cause you decreased the meaning so much over time nothing was worth fighting for.

so you fight for everything.

our problems are not rights to have a bake sale.

our problems are we got so far off course this became a problem.


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iceberg;4553508 said:
all of this - ALL OF THIS - is "you give an inch they take a mile".

suddenly simple things are life or death cause you decreased the meaning so much over time nothing was worth fighting for.

so you fight for everything.

our problems are not rights to have a bake sale.

our problems are we got so far off course this became a problem.

With the problems that common people face today, our government chooses to work on this. Child abuse, homeless families, the economy, and the price of healthcare are some problems that could be addressed. I guess the bake sale was causing the public more problems.


Preacher From The Black Lagoon
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TheLastNordique;4552966 said:
You mean the school system shouldn't be able to dictate how it's money is raised???

I don't see how stopping bake sales that go to the school and usually utilize school time and resources are suddenly "off limits".

Let me ask it this way...

Would you be alright with kids selling porn to raise money for the school??

Furthermore, even if said fundraisers don't go to the school, the district has the right to say what can and cannot be allowed on its property, no??

Are you serious? It wasn't the school that did this. It was the state. Read the article.


rock music matters
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jnday;4553600 said:
With the problems that common people face today, our government chooses to work on this. Child abuse, homeless families, the economy, and the price of healthcare are some problems that could be addressed. I guess the bake sale was causing the public more problems.

they tell us what the problem is and we try to compromise.

time to quit compromising.


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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TheLastNordique;4553418 said:
In some pure fashion, yes it is government intrustion, but it's not different from the many other laws restricting waht you can and cannot do on certain properties.

These certain properties are owned by exactly who?

Oh yeah... taxpayers...

TheLastNordique;4553418 said:
Furthermore, it's not infringing on your right to have a bake sale, it's stopping you from having that bake sale on the schools time or property because it believes it is harmful.

And how often do the school districts hold events THEY deem important and soak the taxpayers in the name of social morality... on our dime?

TheLastNordique;4553418 said:
A school district has a right (to some extent) to decide what is or is not allowable on it's property.

Only as far as local parents allow... they have no rights... just privileges... unless they take it to court...

TheLastNordique;4553418 said:
Is it "deciding what's best for you"? In some fashion, but so are laws against consentual pedophilia, drugs, age limits for driving, drinking and smoking, ect ect.

Who decides morality? You? Me? That's EXACTLY why schools have no business dictating ANYTHING of legality...

TheLastNordique;4553418 said:
I simply think that the school district has a right to ban the promotion of certain foods that are proven to have be causal to serious health problems.

Their job is to teach our children in the classroom... bottom line...

TheLastNordique;4553418 said:
Yes, it is some level of intrusion, but I do think the principle that there are certain things that are harmful and should not be permissible in certain environments is a sound one.

Who determines what is harmful? You? Me? Where does it end? What sounds good to you, may not sound good to me... Why do you matter more? This is EXACTLY why schools should stick to teaching the Three R's and keep out of our lives...

TheLastNordique;4553418 said:
I also think it's quite dangerous to reject that principle, as it leads down a path I don't think most of us want to see.

Unequivocally your OPINION... which is why it should be taken out of the hands of the Feds...

TheLastNordique;4553418 said:
FWIW, I would have a markedly different opinion if this was about a school district banning...long hair or something decidedly banal.

Has nothing to do with long hair... good call...