Can't believe the number of fans who appear to have given up on the season and players after
ONE loss with 14 games left. It's a bit disappointing coz I'm sure a lot are veteran fans who should know better. Fact is throwing the towel after two games is waaaaay too early.......... we're better than that. Be patient and trust the season, it's a long one.
Personally I think the problem is all the fans who read all the blogger pretend scouts from March to June and then have unreal expectations of players individually and the team as a whole. I see people whining about stuff on twitter constantly that came from a blogger at some point and was never really a true thing.
People read all that crap from those guys for years about Terrance Williams and wanted him gone and many of those bloggers insisted they had inside info and that Butler was turning heads and had surpassed Williams. It was never remotely true in any way and then people start micro analyzing Williams and screaming for butler. That is just one example and there are many.
Those guys are always declaring something on the basis of trust me I know some people or as I was told one time by one of these types with 25k you know who I know? I called him on bagging on the fans at the stadium and it turned out he was at home in Virginia, when I explained to him he was wrong politely he got all high and mighty because he has more twitter followers.
Anyway I think this is the root of a lot of this stuff, we all Love football so much and consume so much info from invalid sources that expectations get out of whack. Each year is a new year and this is a much different team than last year.