Mazi Smith's performance


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The case has 2 more years to evaluate.
You may not be an expert or else you would not be here posting. As you should know many players take 2 to 3 years to develop.
Taco was released after just 2 seasons, so apparently it doesn't take three years to tell if a player sucks or not.

That just seems to be your personal opinion and not some set in stone rule "that I should know".


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Taco was released after just 2 seasons, so apparently it doesn't take three years to tell if a player sucks or not.

That just seems to be your personal opinion and not some set in stone rule "that I should know".
Why do you always type it bold. It does not make your point any better. Yes sometimes a team needs to move on . So let us wait to see what Mazi does in his 2nd season, under better coaching.


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Mazi was supposed to be this athletic freak that had tremendous power and was a great run stuffing DT in last year’s draft class

So far— none of that has materialized. If he can’t display power vs NFL backups, he is simply not what anyone thought he was when he was drafted.

The question is why? He has been an enigma since being drafted. Is it mental? Is it motivational? Is it physical?

If we are having to try and coax, coddle, and convince a player to try and play at an NFL caliber level, we are better off cutting him if he doesn’t show anything this preseason.

Move on and make him a cautionary tale for other young players to learn from.

Depending on unreliable people to perform and produce is a horrid roster building strategy.
My man Hawkeye19 always bringing level headed reality to the discussion.
It would be so unlike our FO to act in the manner you described here Hawk, but as you explained, it's exactly what is needed.

Cut the loss now instead of keeping a sunk cost.
Heck, they could cut Schoon too and we'd hardly even notice.


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Why do you always type it bold. It does not make your point any better. Yes sometimes a team needs to move on . So let us wait to see what Mazi does in his 2nd season, under better coaching.
Its this stupid tablet I'm using, I bought my significant other a new computer so I just use her old and busted tablet and its has been stepped on, kicked around, drinks poured on it, and everything else you can imagine with small kids running around.

So, for some reason the bold icon will start working on its own and even if you click it a million times it doesnt change it, but then other times (like right now when I am typing, its not on) so its just kinda weird. Like I said, this old tablet has been through a lot so I am just surprised it still works at all, LOL.

To your point, no, I am not using bold to make a point stand out, that would just be for Mazi, maybe he does turn into a probowl player and lives up to being a first rounder, I am skeptical but we can hope for the best.