MB and Choice


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jobberone;2495953 said:
I'm very happy TC is doing so well. He's got what it takes to play in this league.

But to say he's better than MB is just not realistic. Barber has a near unique lateral jump move that is very effective. Not just me saying that. He's known around the league for that and his tough running style.

Choice brings something else to the table. I think it's premature to annoint him the better runner though.

The first mistake would be to try and compare or to declare which is better.

We know what Barber can do.
We are seeing in a short time what Choice can do against the TWO TOP Defenses in the league.

They BOTH bring ALOT to the table.

Tashard Choice = Prime Grade A
Marion Barber = Meat tough as leather


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jobberone;2496465 said:
First I really don't care who get the rock as long as they are productive.

I just don't agree that Choice is a better back right now.

Experience really isn't a huge factor here, because Choice was a feature back in college. Once a RB acclimates the speed of the game in the NFL and learns how to pick up NFL blitzes, there really isn't as huge of a learning curve as most other NFL positions.

Choice fits that feature back mold more naturally. I would have no problem having Choice as the starter. In fact, the sooner they make the switch, the more beneficial it will be to Barber's career.


Kane Ala
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YoMick;2496695 said:
The first mistake would be to try and compare or to declare which is better.

We know what Barber can do.
We are seeing in a short time what Choice can do against the TWO TOP Defenses in the league.

They BOTH bring ALOT to the table.

Tashard Choice = Prime Grade A
Marion Barber = Meat tough as leather

I agree completely. It's a mistake to compare them and then declare a winner. They're both very good backs and we're lucky to have them. And it's fine for people to think Choice is better.

VCDefectors;2496711 said:
Experience really isn't a huge factor here, because Choice was a feature back in college. Once a RB acclimates the speed of the game in the NFL and learns how to pick up NFL blitzes, there really isn't as huge of a learning curve as most other NFL positions.

Choice fits that feature back mold more naturally. I would have no problem having Choice as the starter. In fact, the sooner they make the switch, the more beneficial it will be to Barber's career.

It takes time for rookies to get into the pro game. Even RBs have to learn. Dorsett didn't play right away either.

Wade was asked this question about why did it take so long to get him going. He answered for all the rookies and praised them all. And deservedly so. He also said it took time for all of them to learn the game. He was particularly high on Scandrick.


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gazmc_06;2496680 said:
I love Choice, the guy can run the ball. He's got that speed as well as drive to get extra yards. I would like to see Choice play the role Julius did last season and let Barber come in and run the game out.

i say the same...but then i never have thought barber was a full time back.


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he just might not be a full time back 'the chosen'......my only problem with that is JJ signing him to the deal he did....not smart at all.