Crown Royal said:
Is the most dominating and feared player on our team by the opposition. He will get in the head of the other teams offense more than any other single player.
A statement so obviously and undeniably true requires no further discussion... one hopes that the NFL has the wisdom, the foresight to have already commissioned Mat's bust for Canton...
They should waive the mandatory five year waiting period for induction, and put him in the day after he retires... the Hall of Fame will have no credibility until McBriar takes his rightful place among the immortals...
Someday, I see him becoming commissioner of the NFL, perhaps even Prime Minister of Australia... the papacy might be a bit beyond him, don't even know if he's Catholic... if not, the Catholics should rewrite their rules, to make him eligible...
I wouldn't even rule out a Nobel Peace Prize some day... such is the legend of Mat "Thunderfoot" McBriar...