McCarthy acknowledges team isn't the same on the road

It’s 3 years and the same stupid non answers. 3 years ago he talked about making sure they are disciplined, guess which team still leads the NFL in penalties. This team still comes out flat on the road, who’s responsible for that. Now he says this. Enough is enough
Running game was fine today.
But being behind from the very start means the running game didn't matter. This defense is either very good or very bad. Starting to think losing Dan Quinn next year might not be the worst thing in the world.
Prideless team. Hit them in the mouth and they fold. We just got beat by a battle hardened team. Buffalo marched into KC and beat the chiefs last week. You think these cupcakes are going to do that in SF?
Maybe fatso should throw the red flag on fumbles instead of throwing down more fries
Mike's game plan is different away from home.

It's "jackrabbit" on the fast-track in Arlington, and "tortoise" when the show goes on the road.
But being behind from the very start means the running game didn't matter. This defense is either very good or very bad. Starting to think losing Dan Quinn next year might not be the worst thing in the world.
It's the type of players we have. Small linebackers are great when you're ahead, but not when you're behind and your offense is stuck in the mud.
The first step in correcting a problem is realizing one exists. So good for Mike to see there is a problem. Now the coaches have to get together and figure out why they don't play as well on the road.

Here is a hint. In the 4 road losses they gave up 767 yards rushing. They gave u p over 200 twice and are averaging giving up 191 yards rushing in those 4 games.

And don't get me started on the stupid penalties. We must lead the lead on giving up 1st downs on 4th down by penalty. But we stopped 2 drives today except for the penalties that gave them first downs. The Bills had 1 penalty all game.

It is one game, but when they have played poorly the common denominator has been giving up a lot of rushing yards and committing stupid penalties in critical situations.
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That's on you, Mike. Today's performance was the type of effortless fiasco that got Wade canned. And this so the second one of those this year.
There’s an energy level difference on the road, but also it’s like the offense can’t get the timing right
Nova---did you see the article Boyzmanticita posted?....half the team was sick with flu and diarrea...then you had the refs and a super motivated Bills team...too much to overcome
The first step in correcting a problem is realizing one exists. So good for Mike to see there is a problem. Now the coaches have to get together and figure out why they don't play as well on the road.

Here is a hint. In the 4 road losses they gave up 767 yards rushing. They gave u p over 200 twice and are averaging giving up 191 yards rushing in those 4 games.

And don't get me started on the stupid penalties. We must lead the lead on giving up 1st downs on 4th down by penalty. But we stopped 2 drives today except for the penalties that gave them first downs. The Bills had 1 penalty all game.

It is one game, but when they have played poorly the common denominator has been giving up a lot of rushing yards and committing stupid penalties in critical situations.
Creeper---well i for one..appreciate your true is fixable

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