So is McCarthy telling us there is nothing they could have done with the other two days to improve as a football team? Or was it that there as so many guys being held of of practice due to injuries that they could not hold an effective practice?
I wonder what the Eagles and Giants will do with their 3 days of mini-camp.
The only thing he wanted to accomplish was putting in the offense and defense. 1 day of actual man on man practice doesn’t mean the team only met in class and drills 1 day. If during the 1 day of traditional practice it looked like the team had mastered the offensive and defensive plays, seems to me like a reward for working on their own, knowing the playbook etc.
Two more days wasn’t necessarily going to develop something that would then stay perfect during 5 weeks away. Skills, technique, and chemistry is for training camp and then preseason. Minicamp is basically introductions and learning. Now they each have individual workouts and studying to do until training camp.
Maybe this is a sign that finding the right kind of self motivated and committed guys actually worked and they don’t need to hammer a bunch of dumb, lazy players with the same stuff over and over.